Note: Stakeholder and Title have been highlighted out due to data privacy.
I have the following table visual in one of my Power BI reports. The relationships are as follows:
[GAL]Email = [Stakeholder]Stakeholder (one-to-one relationship)
[Stakeholder]ID = [Stakeholder_Role]Stakeholder_ID (one-to-many relationship)
The columns 'Stakeholder' and 'Title comes from the [GAL] table. The columns 'Classification', 'Awareness', and 'Engagement' comes from the [Stakeholder] table. The column 'Role' comes from the [Stakeholder_Role] table.
Every single Stakeholder has a Classification, Awareness, and Engagement value assigned to them, but not every Stakeholder has a role (i.e. not every stakeholder is in the Stakeholder_Role table)
I have used Call Elements to assign different background colors depending on the value of Engagement, but for whatever reason it only works on Stakeholders that have been assigned a Role (i.e. Stakeholders that are in the Stakeholder_Role table)., but Engagement should have no effect on Role.
EXAMPLE: In my table visual, the first two rows have Engagement as 'Keep on Side' but have no background color. The third row has Engagement as 'Keep on Side' and does have a background color. If you notice all of the rows that have a Role assigned to them, the background color of engagement is colored, and those without a role, the background color does not change.
Observations: If I remove Role from my table visual, the call elements work properly and every stakeholder as a colored background under Engagement. (See photo 2)
Observations: If I move the 'Role' column to the third column (after 'Stakeholder' and 'Title'), the values for 'Classification', 'Awareness', and 'Engagement' disappear for the stakeholders that do not have a 'Role'. (See photo 3)
Observations: If I move the 'Role' column to the first column (before 'Stakeholder' and 'Title'), all of the stakeholders that do not have Role disappear.
I am unsure if there is something I am missing, and it is an easy fix or if this is some sort of bug. I have cleaned my data, assigned the proper data types, and set the proper relationships but still cannot seem to figure it out. Please help if you know the issue!