I am working on a custom SonarQube plugin for a programming language that are not supported by the conventional sonar plugin.
My current task is to implement a feature where lines containing a specific keyword (e.g., NOSONAR) are skipped during analysis, similar to how NOSONAR works in the default SonarQube functionality. The goal is to allow developers to suppress specific rule violations (such as false positives) for certain lines of code by including the NOSONAR keyword in those lines.
Since this is a custom plugin, the NOSONAR feature does not work natively, and I need to create this functionality from scratch.
so for the same above given problem "; i got this reference and tried to use exactly the same but my confusion is as this NoSonarFilter class is an abstract class and it provides a method noSonarInFile so do i need need to create a concrete implementation of the NoSonarFilter class and that implementation only will handle the logic of identifying lines containing the NOSONAR keyword and registering them with the filter.
and if yes thn how should i proceed further and if not, thn how can i test or verify that this NOSONAR functionality is working fine.