
svelte - Dynamically loading fonts only when calledis in use in quill js - Stack Overflow


Currently I want to be able to load google fonts in quill while in svelte. My problem is that I don't want them to be always loaded so that the website isnt bogged down by a stylesheet that has to download a ton of fonts and variations every single time.

So I am wondering, is there a way where I can make it so that if I select the font in quill, it can dynamically load a function to check google for that font? I also have some fonts in this project that are statically loaded in/downloaded to the project, so I don't want it to have to look for those fonts in google when selected.

I looked at a few functions through sources like ChatGPT or Claude, but they all lead to just always looking up the font every single time through google no matter if I had the font already in my own stylesheets or not.



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