
c# - DynamicData doesn't populate correctly test data when using grpc objects - Stack Overflow


I use Visual Studio 2022 and MS Test. To generate code from proto file I use Grpc.Tools (2.69.0) and Google.Protobuf (3.29.3) nugets.

I don't know how DynamicData feature works under the hood, but it seems it doesn't populate correctly the step object when the code is generated with protobuf compiler.


Step, Element1 and Element2 are generated with protobuf compiler. When TestMethod is invoked the step's Elements are null (see image below).


I manually create Step and Element1 and Element2 classes without protobuf compiler. In this case the step's elements are not null.

MS Test

namespace TestProject
    public class UnitTest
        [DynamicData(nameof(GetTestData), typeof(UnitTest), DynamicDataSourceType.Method)]
        public void TestMethod(Step step)

        public static IEnumerable<object[]> GetTestData()
            yield return new object[] { Step_Element1() };
            yield return new object[] { Step_Element2() };

        private static Step Step_Element1()
            var step = new Step();
            step.Elements.Add(new Element { Element1 = new Element1() });
            return step;

        private static Step Step_Element2()
            var step = new Step();
            step.Elements.Add(new Element { Element2 = new Element2() });
            return step;


syntax = "proto3";

message Step {
    repeated Element elements = 1;

message Element1 {

message Element2 {

message Element {
    oneof value {
        Element1 element1 = 1;
        Element2 element2 = 2;


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