
reverse engineering - Frida not able to find libil2cpp.so or Assembly-CSharp - Stack Overflow


I am new to reverse engineering and trying to setup environment to start. However, I am facing troubles to even find the basic classes through Frida.

Currently I am using Windows and created VM from Android studio 35 API level ABI x86_64 xABI arm64-v8a Target Android 15.0.

Gemini suggested me to use arm64-v8a for frida-server however, if do so I get error running

frida -U -f learn.frida.unity -l script.js

Failed to spawn: unable to access PID 747 (zygote64) while preparing for app launch; try disabling Magisk Hide in case it is active

even though I am not using Magisk Hide and SELinux is permissive.

When I use frida-server x86_64 I don't have any issue running frida -U -f learn.frida.unity -l script.js However, Module.findBaseAddress("libil2cpp.so"); is returning null.

I also tried frida-il2cpp-bridge but facing il2cpp: 10 seconds have passed and libil2cpp.so has not been loaded yet, is the app running?

I believe I am overcomplicating myself with some setups but I just want to have VM with arm64 and get frida connected :(.

Thank you for your respond ahead.



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