
frontend - Problem In Gridstack About PlaceHolder (load layout) - Stack Overflow


Hi I want to ask about gridstack placeholder, my problem:

  1. why is the size of the placeholder that I load when loading the layout not the same size as the widget size??

below is the data for the layout that I saved { "x": 5, "y": 0, "width": 4, "height": 3, "resizable": true, "pixelWidth": 355, "pixelHeight": 266, "resizableWidthUnits": 4, "resizableHeightUnits": 3, "name": "Dashboard", "selectedDevice": "2", "widgetKey": "Dashboard-1739955813057", "selectedIcon": null, "iconColor": null, "bgColor": null, "selectedPins": {} }

and im load with this code :

const convertPixelToGrid = (pixelWidth, pixelHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) => {
  const gridDims = {
    width: Math.round(pixelWidth / cellWidth), // Gunakan Math.round
    height: Math.round(pixelHeight / cellHeight), // Gunakan Math.round

  return gridDims;

const checkOverlap = (x, y, width, height, nodes, tolerance = 1) => {
  for (const node of nodes) {
    const isOverlapping =
      x < node.x + node.width + tolerance &&
      x + width > node.x - tolerance &&
      y < node.y + node.height + tolerance &&
      y + height > node.y - tolerance;

    if (isOverlapping) {
      return true;
  return false;

const loadSavedLayout = async () => {
  try {
    // Clear the saved layout from localStorage if not in edit mode
    if (!isEditMode.value) {
      // Reload the page to reflect the changes
    let savedLayout;

    // Cek apakah layout tersimpan di localStorage
    const localStorageLayout = localStorage.getItem(

    if (localStorageLayout) {
      savedLayout = JSON.parse(localStorageLayout);
    } else {
      const response = await axios.get(
          headers: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem("authToken")}`,
      savedLayout = JSON.parse(response.data.layoutData);

    if (savedLayout && savedLayout.length > 0) {
      hasData.value = true;

      const cellWidth = grid.cellWidth();
      const cellHeight = grid.opts.cellHeight;
      const allDevices = {};
      const nodes = []; // Menyimpan semua node untuk validasi overlap

      for (const item of savedLayout) {
        const gridDims = convertPixelToGrid(

        const widget = widgets.find((w) => w.name === item.name);
        if (widget) {
          const widgetElement = addWidget(
              selectedDevice: item.selectedDevice,
              widgetKey: item.widgetKey,

          if (widgetElement) {
            applyPixelDimensions(widgetElement); // Terapkan ukuran pixel setelah widget ditambahkan
          grid.update(widgetElement, {
            x: item.x,
            y: item.y,
            width: gridDims.width,
            height: gridDims.height,
          // Set ukuran pixel untuk widget yang di-load
          widgetElement.style.width = `${item.pixelWidth}px`;
          widgetElement.style.height = `${item.pixelHeight}px`;

          // Process Label & Value 2 with multiple devices
          if (
            item.name === "Label &Value 2" &&
          ) {
            item.selectedDevice.forEach((deviceIdentifier) => {
              deviceStore.addSelectedDevice(item.widgetKey, deviceIdentifier);
              allDevices[item.widgetKey] = allDevices[item.widgetKey] || [];
          } else if (item.widgetKey && item.selectedDevice) {
            allDevices[item.widgetKey] = item.selectedDevice;

          // Cek placeholder setelah widget ditambahkan
          if (widgetElement) {
            // Terapkan posisi dan ukuran grid
            grid.update(widgetElement, {
              x: item.x,
              y: item.y,
              width: gridDims.width,
              height: gridDims.height,

          // Save widget size in the store using item.widgetKey
          deviceStore.setWidgetSize(item.widgetKey, {
            width: item.width,
            height: item.height,
            pixelWidth: item.pixelWidth,
            pixelHeight: item.pixelHeight,
            resizableWidthUnits: item.resizableWidthUnits, // Tambahkan resizable width units
            resizableHeightUnits: item.resizableHeightUnits, // Tambahkan resizable height units

          // Periksa apakah ada selectedPins untuk widget yang dimuat
          if (item.selectedPins) {
            deviceStore.setCheckedPins(item.widgetKey, item.selectedPins);

          // Periksa apakah ada selectedIcon dan iconColor untuk widget yang dimuat
          if (item.selectedIcon) {
            const iconData = {
              icon: item.selectedIcon,
              color: item.iconColor || "#000000", // Gunakan warna default jika tidak ada
              bgColor: item.bgColor || "#000000", // Gunakan warna default jika tidak ada

            deviceStore.setSelectedIcon(item.widgetKey, iconData);
          // ✅ Jika widget adalah "Label & Value 2", muat ulang ikon ke store
          if (item.name === "Label &Value 2" && Array.isArray(item.icons)) {
            // Pastikan ikon dalam array dan masukkan ke store
            deviceStore.setSelectedIcons(item.widgetKey, item.icons);
          // ✅ Jika widget adalah "Rack Server", muat ulang rackDevices ke store
          if (item.name === "Rack Server" && Array.isArray(item.rackDevices)) {
            // Pastikan rackDevices adalah array dan muat ke store
            deviceStore.addDevices(item.widgetKey, item.rackDevices);
          // ✅ Jika widget adalah "Multiple Chart", muat ulang preferensi dari layout ke store
          if (item.name === "Multiple Chart") {
            deviceStore.setMultipleChartPreferences(item.widgetKey, {
              chartType: item.chartType || "line",
              chartColors: Array.isArray(item.chartColors)
                ? item.chartColors
                : ["#4bc0c0"], // Default color jika kosong
                typeof item.chartAnimation === "boolean"
                  ? item.chartAnimation
                  : false,
              chartData: item.chartData ? parseInt(item.chartData, 10) : 24, // Konversi ke angka jika ada
          // Periksa apakah widget adalah "Analogue Gauges" dan atur warna ke store
          if (item.name === "Analogue gauges") {
            const gaugeColors = {
              minColor: item.minColor || "#00ff00", // Default hijau
              midColor: item.midColor || "#ffcc00", // Default kuning
              maxColor: item.maxColor || "#ff0000", // Default merah

            deviceStore.setGaugeColors(item.widgetKey, gaugeColors);
          if (item.name === "Simple Chart") {
            deviceStore.setSimpleChart(item.widgetKey, {
              chartColor: item.chartColor || "#4bc0c0",
              minValue: item.minValue,
              maxValue: item.maxValue,
          // Cek apakah widget adalah "Toggle", "Control", atau "Modular Monitoring" dan simpan customName
          if (
            (item.name === "Toggle" ||
              item.name === "Control" ||
              item.name === "Containment" ||
              item.name === "Device ModularI2C" ||
              item.name === "Subrack" ||
              item.name === "Modular Monitoring") &&
          ) {
            deviceStore.setSubrackType(item.widgetKey, item.subrackType);
            deviceStore.setCustomName(item.widgetKey, item.customName); // Simpan customName ke store

          if (widgetElement) {
            widgetElement.style.width = `${item.pixelWidth}px`;
            widgetElement.style.height = `${item.pixelHeight}px`;

            if (
              item.name === "Chart Line" ||
              item.name === "Chart Bar" ||
              item.name === "Power Analyzer"
            ) {
              deviceStore.setChartPreferences(item.widgetKey, {
                chartType: item.chartType || "line",
                chartColor: item.chartColor || "#4bc0c0",
                  typeof item.chartAnimation === "boolean"
                    ? item.chartAnimation
                    : false,
                chartData: item.chartData ? parseInt(item.chartData, 10) : 24,
          } else {
            console.warn("Widget element not created for", item.name);
        } else {
          console.warn("Widget not found for", item.name);
      // **Penempatan kedua**: Setelah semua widget diproses
      grid.engine.nodes.forEach((node) => {
        // Validasi dimensi
        if (node.width <= 0 || node.height <= 0) {
          node.width = Math.max(1, node.width);
          node.height = Math.max(1, node.height);
          grid.update(node.el, { width: node.width, height: node.height });
    } else {
      hasData.value = false;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error loading layout:", error);
    Swal.fire("Error", "Failed to load layout.", "error");

Can Someone Help me ??I spent days and still haven't succeeded



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