I am using Xcode Version 16.2 (16C5032a) and WeatherKit API (not REST API). When debugging the return from a WeatherKit request, Xcode is displaying that the returned WeatherKit.WeatherAlert structs have several new variables: 'onsetTime', 'expirationDate', 'issuedDate', 'endDate' IN ADDITION TO the metadata variable. These are direct members of the WeatherKit.WeatherAlert struct, not the metadata struct.
However Xcode issues a compiler error "WeatherAlert has no member 'onsetTime',..." when I try to code access to them, and the latest documentation does not reference them.
Is there any way to access these vars without compiler warnings (and a crash!) using Swift?
Is there any updated documentation for them? It seems Apple have introduced these options without any way to access them. Interestingly they mirror variables available via REST API request since the beginning.
Here is the code:
import Foundation
import WeatherKit
import CoreLocation
@available(iOS 16.0, *)
func queryWeather() {
let location = CLLocation(latitude: 37.69300079345703, longitude: -97.33899688720703)
Task.detached(priority: .userInitiated) {
if let (alerts) = try? await WeatherService.shared.weather(for: location, including: .alerts),
let alert = alerts.first
print(alert.onsetTime) // compiler error: "Value of type 'WeatherAlert' has no member 'onsetTime'"
The line
gives the compiler error "WeatherAlert has no member 'onsetTime'" If removed then the code runs and the line
gives the following output, in which the variable 'onsetTime' is clearly present:
Optional(WeatherKit.WeatherAlert(detailsURL: .html?ids=3a1f2813-6f68-5186-b4c2-300811da2840&lang=en-GB&timezone=America/Chicago, source: "National Weather Service", date: 2025-02-19 16:03:10 +0000, expirationDate: 2025-02-20 00:00:00 +0000, issuedDate: 2025-02-19 08:46:00 +0000, onsetTime: Optional(2025-02-19 08:46:00 +0000), endDate: Optional(2025-02-20 18:00:00 +0000), summary: "Extreme Cold Warning", description: "Extreme Cold Warning", details: nil, region: nil, severity: severe, importance: High, metadata: WeatherKit.WeatherMetadata(date: 2025-02-19 16:03:10 +0000, expirationDate: 2025-02-19 16:08:10 +0000, latitude: 37.69300079345703, longitude: -97.33899688720703, attribution: Optional(WeatherKit.WeatherAttribution(storage: WeatherKit.WeatherAttribution.(unknown context at $1bee7afa8).Storage))), id: 3A1F2813-6F68-5186-B4C2-300811DA2840))
The debugger shows the following in the Variable View, with the variables 'onsetTime', 'expirationDate', 'issuedDate', 'endDate' present (I have removed the values for clarity).
alerts [WeatherKit.WeatherAlert]? 1 value
[0] WeatherKit.WeatherAlert
detailsURL Foundation.URL
source String
date Foundation.Date
expirationDate Foundation.Date
issuedDate Foundation.Date
onsetTime Foundation.Date?
endDate Foundation.Date?
summary String
description String
details Foundation.URL?
region String?
severity WeatherKit.WeatherSeverity
importance WeatherKit.WeatherImportance
metadata WeatherKit.WeatherMetadata
date Foundation.Date
expirationDate Foundation.Date
latitude Double
longitude Double
attribution WeatherKit.WeatherAttribution?
id Foundation.UUID