
javascript - Nuxt3 data fetching from Directus - Stack Overflow


Nuxt Noob here. I want to create a Site that uses Directus as backend.

I followed tutorials about fetching data in Nuxt and using the Directus SDK.

On initial page load, everything seems fine and data is fetched correctly. But when I change the route and go back to the index.vue the data is lost, won't, fetch again and therefore the page is not rendered.

I'm getting this error H3Error: Failed to fetch and the global.value is null

So what am I doing wrong? I know what to do in plain Vue, but what am I doing wrong with Nuxt?

Does this have to do with Live Cycle hooks, I'm not aware of in Nuxt? I don't think the problem is on the Directus side. It has to be something with the fetching in Nuxt or caching or live cycles or ... .

my code:


import { createDirectus, rest, readItems} from '@directus/sdk';
const directus = createDirectus('').with(rest())

export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
    return {
        provide: { directus, readItems},


<script setup>
const { $directus, $readItems } = useNuxtApp();

const { data: global } = await useAsyncData('global', async () => {
    const response = await $directus.request($readItems('global'));
    return response;

  <div class="flex px-5 bg-base-100 mt-9 sm:mt-0">
    <p class="text-2xl">
        bla bla bla
           <NuxtLink to="/about">
             {{ global.name }}
         {{ global.about }}


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