Hi I have an iOS app that consumes data sent to it via a "sharesheet extension" usually from MS Outlook which then parses the file and produce an output for the user. This has worked great for years. But all of a sudden the result I get from NSItemProvider.LoadItem is encrypted with a string at the beginning with "MSMAMARPCRYPT".
I understand this has something to do with Microsofts InTune (Microsoft Endpoint Manager) which my client's IT department must have implemented.
I have looked the nuget package Microsoft.InTune.Maui.Essentials.iOS but I cant see any APIs in there that can decrypt the string I get from the LoadItem into readable data.
I was hoping that all i needed to do was to put in an extra decryption step between the NSItemProvide.LoadItem and my data parser.
is there anyone whom had any experience with this ?
Am I looking at the problem from the wrong angle (is there some thing the IT department can do so the sharesheet can retrive unencrypted data ?)
Regards Christian Arild Stær Andersen