when i upgraded to material 3, it added a background to the barchart label. Any way to get rid of this without turning off material3?
background on label
i'm hoping to find a solution without disabling material 3. I want to display the number without a background.
here's my bartouchdata. setting to transparent doesn't work.
BarTouchData get barTouchData => BarTouchData( enabled: false, touchTooltipData: BarTouchTooltipData( tooltipPadding: EdgeInsets.zero, tooltipMargin: 8, getTooltipItem: ( BarChartGroupData group, int groupIndex, BarChartRodData rod, int rodIndex, ) { return BarTooltipItem( rod.toY.round().toString(), const TextStyle( color: Colors.yellow, backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ); }, ), );
Thanks in advance.