I'm building an order management system using Laravel Filament. I have an OrderResource where the total_price should be calculated based on the selected menus and packages.
However, I'm facing an issue:
When I create a new order, total_price remains 0. But when I edit the order and save it without making any changes, the total_price gets updated correctly. I'm using a Repeater field to allow selecting menus and packages, and I try to update the subtotal and total price using afterStateUpdated(). Here's the relevant part of my code:
Menu Repeater:
->relationship('menu', 'name')
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, $set, $get) {
self::updateSubtotal($state, $set, $get, 'menu');
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, $set, $get) {
self::updateSubtotal($get('menu_id'), $set, $get, 'menu');
->label('Selected Menus')
->addActionLabel('Add Menu');
Subtotal & Total Price Calculation:
private static function updateSubtotal($id, $set, $get, $type)
$model = $type === 'menu' ? Menu::class : Package::class;
$price = $id ? $model::find($id)?->price ?? 0 : 0;
$quantity = $get('quantity') ?? 0;
$subtotal = $price * $quantity;
$set('subtotal', $subtotal);
// Calculate total price
$items = $get('../../items') ?? [];
$packages = $get('../../packages') ?? [];
$totalItems = array_reduce($items, fn ($carry, $item) => $carry + ($item['subtotal'] ?? 0), 0);
$totalPackages = array_reduce($packages, fn ($carry, $package) => $carry + ($package['subtotal'] ?? 0), 0);
$set('../../total_price', $totalItems + $totalPackages);
Issue Summary: total_price is 0 when creating a new order. total_price is only updated if I edit the order and save it again. I want total_price to be calculated immediately upon order creation.
When I create a new order and select a menu/package, the total_price should be calculated and displayed immediately. I should not have to edit and save the order for total_price to be updated.