I'm trying to use quarto in my Windows computer today to create a document, but I'm having some strange problems, and I've browsed through almost all the information about it on the internet, but I still haven't found a solution.
The strange problem is: when I want to create a qmarkdown file from rstudio, there is no such option. There hasn't been one for a long time.
But a few days ago I used R+Rstudio+quarto on my ubuntu is successfully completed the creation and compilation of the quarto file.
The current version of R is 4.4.2, Rstudio is version 2024.12, and Quarto is 1.6.40, and I installed the latest version of all of them, and I reinstalled R+Rstudio+quarto on my Windows computer because it never worked. But now I still can't find Quarto support in Rstudio's page, and I am able to compile qmd files using the relevant commands in the terminal.
What can I do to use quarto in rstudio?
C:\Users\asus>quarto --version
C:\Users\asus>R --version
R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31 ucrt) -- "Pile of Leaves"
Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64
the rstudio just support me create a R markdown file or script.
enter image description here
I can't find the quarto option in the global options
and the sub R markdown