
How can I use Avro C++ to write a file for a schema that I defined programatically? - Stack Overflow


I have a sample schema that I am defining programmatically. It's something like

struct UserEntry {
  int64_t user_id;
  std::string user_name;
  std::string user_email;
  int64_t user_phn;

avro::ValidSchema SampleUserPhEntry() {
    avro::RecordSchema schema("UserEntries");
    schema.addField("user_id", avro::LongSchema());
    schema.addField("user_name", avro::StringSchema());
    schema.addField("user_email", avro::StringSchema());
    schema.addField("user_phone", avro::LongSchema());    
    return avro::ValidSchema(schema);

Most of the examples that I am seeing in the repo are using a generated struct to write avro file. Is there any way I can use my custom defined struct to write an Avro file?

I did try to write it field by field, but end up running into compilation issues with codec

int WriteUserPhEntry() {
  avro::ValidSchema schema = SampleUserPhEntry(); 
  avro::GenericDatum schema_datum(schema);
  const char* file_name = "user_entries.avro";
  avro::DataFileWriter<avro::GenericDatum> writer(file_name, schema);

  avro::GenericRecord& record = schema_datum.value<avro::GenericRecord>();

  record.field("user_id").value<int64_t>() = static_cast<int64_t>(64);
  record.field("user_name").value<std::string>() = "avro_user";
  record.field("user_email").value<std::string>() = "[email protected]";
  record.field("user_phone").value<int64_t>() = 1234567890;

  std::cout << record.field("user_id").value<int64_t>() << std::endl;
  // The following line runs into: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'avro::codec_traits<avro::GenericDatum>'
  // writer.write(schema_datum);

  return 0;




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