
flutter - Manual garbage collecting in dart - Stack Overflow


I have a problem: some operations (uploading a huge file by chunks) occupy pretty large chunks of RAM (2-3 mb each). During that uploading process, my app occasionally suffers from some freezes. Debugging has lead me to a conclusion, that my code isn't a problem. That freeze happens when literally no calculations are performed.

That chunks of data become unneeded one by one, so I might garbage-collect them when needed, without any freezes. But I haven't found any links about how to garbage-collect objects manually.

In C++ for example, manual garbage-collecting isn't a problem. In JavaScript there is an option for that case too.

Is there any opportunity to make Dart garbage-collector to remove a specific object from memory? Ideally, I need some api like VM.removeObjectFromHeap(myObjectInstance).

So, the code where I can see the freeze:

      final createChunkFromBytesStart = DateTime.now();
      final currentChunk = _createFileChunkFromBytesChunks(currentChunkIndex, isFileFinished: isFileFinished);
      final createChunkFromBytesEnd = DateTime.now();
      // 26-50 mks average. Sometimes a freeze occurs (> 10000 mks, while I see that whole function takes 20mks to execute)
          '_createFileChunkFromBytesChunks time in mks, ${createChunkFromBytesEnd.difference(createChunkFromBytesStart).inMicroseconds}');

That _createFileChunkFromBytesChunks function:

  Chunk _createFileChunkFromBytesChunks(int chunkIndex, {bool isFileFinished = false}) {
    final functionStart = DateTime.now();
    final totalChunksLength = utils.calculateTotalListsLength(_streamChunksToSend);

    final extraBytesLength = chunkSizeBytes >= totalChunksLength ? 0 : totalChunksLength - chunkSizeBytes;
    // так как handleChunkBytes вызывается последовательно после каждого чтения стрима, extraBytes гарантированно может быть только в последнем чанке.
    late final List<int> extraBytes;
    if (extraBytesLength != 0) {
      extraBytes = _streamChunksToSend.last.sublistToLength(_streamChunksToSend.last.length - extraBytesLength);

      _streamChunksToSend[_streamChunksToSend.length - 1] =
          _streamChunksToSend.last.sublistToLength(0, _streamChunksToSend.last.length - extraBytesLength);
    } else {
      extraBytes = [];

    final bytesChunkData = _streamChunksToSend;
    _streamChunksToSend = extraBytes.isNotEmpty ? [extraBytes] : [];

    final chunk =
        Chunk(chunkIndex: chunkIndex, bytesData: bytesChunkData, isFinishChunk: isFileFinished, uploaderId: uploaderId);

    final functionEnd = DateTime.now();
    // 20 mks average, never jumps to 50+mks. So the source of that freeze is inbetween returning the value from this function, and receiving the function result
    myLogger.d('_createFileChunkFromBytesChunks time in mks, ${functionEnd.difference(functionStart).inMicroseconds}');
    return chunk;

As the source of that freeze is somewhere "between" my code, I suppose that it's VM that causes that freeze. No other code is executing while file uploading: no syncronizations, no serialization. Also, If some data serialization was the problem, then I think that the freeze would occur at every chunk (because the amount of data to serialize is the same).

The uploading is done via Stream. The code:

final formData = FormData.fromMap({
          'videoType': videoType,
          'fileId': _fileId,
          'file': MultipartFile.fromStream(() => Stream.fromIterable(chunk.bytesData), chunk.chunkSize,
              filename: 'file_${_fileId}_${chunk.chunkIndex}.${fileExt}'),

        var localTotalChunks = chunk.chunkIndex + 10;
        if (chunk.isFinishChunk) {
          localTotalChunks = chunk.chunkIndex + 1;

        var headers = {
          'uploader-videotype': videoType,
          'uploader-file-id': _fileId,
          'uploader-chunks-total': localTotalChunks,
          'uploader-chunk-number': chunk.chunkIndex,
          'uploader-filename': 'file_${_fileId}_${chunk.chunkIndex}.${fileExt}',

        final beforeSend = DateTime.now();

        final result = await dioSendObject(url,
            bodyData: formData,
            connectTimeout: connectTimeout,
            receiveTimeout: receiveTimeout,
            extraParsing: true,
            onSendProgress: (int count, int total) => chunk.bytesUploaded = count,
            cancelToken: cancelToken,
            options: Options(headers: headers));
        final afterSend = DateTime.now();
        myLogger.d('chunk send time ${afterSend.difference(beforeSend).inMilliseconds}');

chunk.bytesData is List<List<int>>.

In release, the freeze is minor, but still present (user can see it as occasional short fps drops from 60+ fps to 20fps)



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