
spring - Multipart Request configurations for StandardServletMultipartResolver not picked up - Stack Overflow


I had commons-fileupload before spring migration to handle multipart-form data. After spring 6.x migration I am now using StandardServletMultipartResolver by creating bean of it in servlet-context like below

<bean id="multipartResolver"

Also I have dispatcher servlet configuration in my web.xml containing <multipart-config> element as below:


My multipart API defined inside controller is being processed successfully.

However this multipart configurations in dispatcher servlet are not picked up. Tomcat container is picking default configurations while performing request.getParts().

Below is tomcat's internal request class's code which picks default:

Context context = getContext();
MultipartConfigElement mce = getWrapper().getMultipartConfigElement();

I read that @multipartConfig annotation is for servlets and does not work for controllers. Also I don't have spring-boot in my project. Its simple spring-web application.

How to configure the filesize and other values for controllers?



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