On mac sequoia, when I spin up docker containers using docker compose. I noticed docker ps shows different port to docker desktop for postgres container.
Using docker ps command I see for postgres containers (port 55018):
baf11090f77a postgres:16.4-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" x minutes ago Up x minutes (healthy)>5432/tcp db-1
On docker desktop I see (port 55773):
db-1 baf11090f77a postgres:16.4-alpine 55773:5432
I can connect to db using port docker desktop port 55773 locally and not 55018. Before my upgrade to mac sequoia, both docker ps and desktop were in sync. And docker ps was showing instead of
Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks
FIX: Reverted docker desktop to 4.37.2. Issue starts with 4.38.0