
fluent bit - Fluentbit routing to two different outputs by tag - Stack Overflow


I am looking to send all logs with the tag myservicename to one elasticsearch index and everything else to another index.

Currently I am using the below config which appears to work, but is there a clean way to do it?

    Flush        5
    Daemon       Off
    Log_Level    INFO
    Parsers_File /fluent-bit/etc/parsers.conf

    Name Forward
    Port 24224
    Buffer_Max_Size   256KB

    Name            es
    Match_Regex     ^(?!myservicename).*
    Buffer_Size     128KB
    Host            <redacted>
    Port            <redacted>
    Logstash_Format On
    Logstash_Prefix logs
    Include_Tag_Key On
    Tag_Key         image
    Type            _doc

    Name            es
    Match           myservicename
    Buffer_Size     128KB
    Host            <redacted>
    Port            <redacted>
    Logstash_Format On
    Logstash_Prefix logs-myservicename-
    Include_Tag_Key On
    Tag_Key         image
    Type            _doc


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