I am writing a rest-api using FastApi. I use pydantic for data validation.
I need to make something like this work. It would be easy if I could just move disc to ReqType1 or 2 but for downwards compatiblity reasons I cannot do this. Do you know I can get a nested discriminated unitions based on type.disc to work?
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Literal, Annotated, Union
class Innertype1(BaseModel):
disc: Literal["A"]
class Inntertype2(BaseModel):
disc: Literal["B", "C", "D"]
class ReqType1(BaseModel):
type: Innertype1
class ReqType2(BaseModel):
type: Inntertype2
Req = Annotated[
Union[ReqType1, ReqType2], Field(discriminator="type.disc")