
ios - Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTMessage.qos.setter : CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTQoS - Stack Overflow


I have an app, which is depended on custom SDK. Custom SDK has dependencies, included all dependencies in Podspec and custom framework/static lib ios.vendored_frameworks.

below is my pod spec

Pod::Spec.new do |s|
  s.name         = "SDK"
  s.version      = "1.0.1"
  s.summary      = "SDK"
  s.source                = { :git => ".git", :tag => "v"+s.version.to_s  }
  s.platform              = :ios
  s.ios.deployment_target = '16.0'
  s.swift_version         = '4.2'
  s.static_framework      = true
  s.frameworks            = 'Security'
  s.frameworks            = 'CoreLocation'
  s.requires_arc          = true
  s.module_name           = 'SDK'
  s.library               = 'z'
  s.default_subspec = 'Shared'
  s.subspec 'Shared' do |shared|
    shared.ios.vendored_frameworks = 'SDKLib.xcframework'
    shared.dependency            'CocoaAsyncSocket', '~> 7.4'
    shared.dependency            'CocoaHTTPServer'
    shared.dependency            'SocketRocket', '~> 0.6'
    shared.dependency            'QNNetDiag'
    shared.dependency            'SAMKeychain'
    shared.dependency            'AFNetworking/Reachability', '~> 4.0'
    shared.dependency            'AFNetworking/Serialization', '~> 4.0'
    shared.dependency            'AFNetworking/Security', '~> 4.0'
    shared.dependency            'AFNetworking/NSURLSession', '~> 4.0'
    shared.dependency            'CocoaMQTT'
    shared.dependency            'Starscream', '~> 4.0.8'
    shared.dependency            'TrustKit'
    shared.dependency             'Firebase/Analytics'

I am getting below error while building an app using custom lib. Showing All Errors Only: Screenshot here

Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTMessage.qos.setter : CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTQoS
Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTMessage.string.getter : Swift.String?
Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTT5Message.contentType.setter : Swift.String?
Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTT5Message.willDelayInterval.setter : Swift.UInt32?
Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTT5Message.willResponseTopic.setter : Swift.String?
Undefined symbol: enum case for CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel.debug(CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel.Type) -> CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel
Undefined symbol: enum case for CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel.error(CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel.Type) -> CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel
Undefined symbol: enum case for CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel.warning(CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel.Type) -> CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel
Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTT5.connectProperties.setter : CocoaMQTT.MqttConnectProperties?
Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTT5.connect() -> Swift.Bool
Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.MqttDecodeConnAck.topicAliasMaximum.getter : Swift.UInt16?
Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.MqttDecodePubComp.reasonCode.getter : CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTPUBCOMPReasonCode?
Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTT.subscribe(_: Swift.String, qos: CocoaMQTT.CocoaMQTTQoS) -> ()

Tried to remove the same from swift interface and didn't work



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