I am trying to create a multi line chart in vega altair, i want the vertex of the line to have a point , However my lines only have a point at the starting and not at all vertex .
base = alt.Chart(df).mark_line(
point = {
'size': 70,
'filled': True,
interpolate = 'catmull-rom'
x = alt.X(f'{x_col}:O',
title = None,
axis = alt.Axis(
labelAngle = 0,
grid = False,
ticks = False,
sort=alt.SortField(f'{sort}:t', order='descending')
y = alt.Y(
axis = alt.Axis(
grid = False,
domain = False,
ticks = False,
scale = alt.Scale(domain = [0, df[y_col].max()*1.25]),
title = None
color = f'{color}:N',
orient = 'none',
legendX = width - 15,
legendY = 0,
symbolSize = 50,
symbolType = 'stroke',
clipHeight = 22,
labelLimit = 300
stroke = 'transparent'
width = width,
padding = {
'top': 0,
'right': 10,
'bottom': 20,
'left': 20,
This is my code , i am tring to pass the point kwargs in dict , i have tried to pass only point = True, but it still has this issue , My vega altair version is 5.4.1.