I'm using tanstack with a react app and am testing the Await
component with a promise. I'm following the guide here:
const getLists: () => Promise<FLMList[]> = async () => {
return new Promise<FLMList[]>(s => {
() => s(flm_lists),
export const Route = createFileRoute('/flm')({
component: RouteComponent,
loader: async () => getLists()
function RouteComponent() {
const flmLists = Route.useLoaderData()
return (
<Await promise={flmLists} fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
{(data) => {
return <FLMListTable flmLists={data} isSortable={true} title={'FLM list definitions'} />
It does not render the Loading...
div and then after 8 seconds when my promise resolves I get an error that is empty on the screen. The console gives me 2 warnings:
Warning: The following error wasn't caught by any route! At the very least, consider setting an 'errorComponent' in your RootRoute! tiny-warning.esm.js:11:14
Warning: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The error on the screen just says "Something went wrong!" with a "Hide Error" button and an empty red outline.
This is a contrived example, but works if I remove the Await
component and if I await
the promise in the loader method like this:
export const Route = createFileRoute('/flm')({
component: RouteComponent,
loader: async () => await getLists()
function RouteComponent() {
const flmLists = Route.useLoaderData()
return (
// <Await promise={flmLists} fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
// {(data) => {
<FLMListTable flmLists={flmLists} isSortable={true} title={'FLM list definitions'} />
// }}
// </Await>
What am I doing wrong with the first one?