I would like to compare the Bode plots of two different implementations of a transfer function. This code works basically:
from lcapy import *
a = Circuit("""
P1 1 0; down=1.5
R1 1 2; right
C1 2 3; right
W 0 5; right
C2 3 5; down
W 3 3a; right=0.75
W 5 5a; right=0.75
R2 3a 5a; down
W 3a 3b; right=0.75
W 5a 5b; right=0.75
P2 3b 5b; down
; draw_nodes=connections, label_nodes=none
H = a.transfer('P1', 'P2')
Hv = H.subs({'R1':22, 'C1':100e-9, 'R2':1e6, 'C2':1e-9})
Hv2 = H.subs({'R1':12, 'C1':100e-9, 'R2':1e6, 'C2':1e-9})
Hv(f).bode_plot((0, 1e3))
Hv2(f).bode_plot((0, 1e3))
But I would like to see the magnitude curves of both transfer functions in the same plot in order to compare them easily. How can this be done?
KR, Ch.