
php - Yajra Datatables changes datetimes incorrectly - Stack Overflow


I am working on Laravel 11 app. I am using yajra/datatables and datetimes in the db are correct but however when yajra/datatables displays them in the frontend they are an hour behind? I've been googling for an hour can't find anything useful. It happens for all my datatables. My timezone in app.php is "Europe/Berlin". Here is an example DataTable file:


namespace App\DataTables;

use App\Helpers\Helper;
use App\Models\Tool;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as QueryBuilder;
use Yajra\DataTables\EloquentDataTable;
use Yajra\DataTables\Html\Builder as HtmlBuilder;
use Yajra\DataTables\Html\Column;
use Yajra\DataTables\Services\DataTable;
class PeopleDataTable extends DataTable
    public function dataTable(QueryBuilder $query): EloquentDataTable
        return (new EloquentDataTable($query))->setRowId('id');
    public function query(Tool $model): QueryBuilder
        return $model->newQuery();
    public function html(): HtmlBuilder
        return $this->builder()
                    ->orderBy(0, 'asc')
    public function getColumns(): array
        return [
            ['name' => 'name', 'data' => 'name', 'title' => __('text.name')],
            ['name' => 'department', 'data' => 'department', 'title' => __('text.department')],
            ['name' => 'phone', 'data' => 'phone', 'title' => __('text.phone')],
            ['name' => 'email', 'data' => 'email', 'title' => __('text.email')],
            ['name' => 'updated_at', 'data' => 'updated_at', 'title' => __('text.updated_at')],
            ['name' => 'actions', 'data' => 'actions', 'title' => __('text.actions')],
    protected function filename(): string
        return 'People_'.date('YmdHis');

and here is the data route in the controller:

 * Provides data in json for the indexTableView endpoint.
 * @return JsonResponse 
 * @throws Exception 
function data()
    $people = Person::query()
        ->leftJoin('rfids', 'rfids.id', '=', 'people.rfid_id');

    return (new DataTables)
        ->addColumn('status', function (Person $person) {
            return HtmlService::statusHtml($person);
        ->addColumn('actions', function (Person $person) {
            return HtmlService::generateActions($person, 'person');
        ->rawColumns(['status', 'actions'])

EDIT 1! When I add this:

->editColumn('updated_at', function (Person $person) {
            return $person->updated_at;

the datetime is correct. Still, I don't want to add editColumn to all my datatables there must be a way to disable this behaviour.



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