I am working on Laravel 11
app. I am using yajra/datatables
and datetimes in the db are correct but however when yajra/datatables
displays them in the frontend they are an hour behind? I've been googling for an hour can't find anything useful. It happens for all my datatables
. My timezone in app.php
is "Europe/Berlin". Here is an example DataTable
namespace App\DataTables;
use App\Helpers\Helper;
use App\Models\Tool;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as QueryBuilder;
use Yajra\DataTables\EloquentDataTable;
use Yajra\DataTables\Html\Builder as HtmlBuilder;
use Yajra\DataTables\Html\Column;
use Yajra\DataTables\Services\DataTable;
class PeopleDataTable extends DataTable
public function dataTable(QueryBuilder $query): EloquentDataTable
return (new EloquentDataTable($query))->setRowId('id');
public function query(Tool $model): QueryBuilder
return $model->newQuery();
public function html(): HtmlBuilder
return $this->builder()
->orderBy(0, 'asc')
public function getColumns(): array
return [
['name' => 'name', 'data' => 'name', 'title' => __('text.name')],
['name' => 'department', 'data' => 'department', 'title' => __('text.department')],
['name' => 'phone', 'data' => 'phone', 'title' => __('text.phone')],
['name' => 'email', 'data' => 'email', 'title' => __('text.email')],
['name' => 'updated_at', 'data' => 'updated_at', 'title' => __('text.updated_at')],
['name' => 'actions', 'data' => 'actions', 'title' => __('text.actions')],
protected function filename(): string
return 'People_'.date('YmdHis');
and here is the data route in the controller:
* Provides data in json for the indexTableView endpoint.
* @return JsonResponse
* @throws Exception
function data()
$people = Person::query()
->leftJoin('rfids', 'rfids.id', '=', 'people.rfid_id');
return (new DataTables)
->addColumn('status', function (Person $person) {
return HtmlService::statusHtml($person);
->addColumn('actions', function (Person $person) {
return HtmlService::generateActions($person, 'person');
->rawColumns(['status', 'actions'])
EDIT 1! When I add this:
->editColumn('updated_at', function (Person $person) {
return $person->updated_at;
the datetime is correct. Still, I don't want to add editColumn
to all my datatables
there must be a way to disable this behaviour.