I have created a WORD docx document with phpWord. It can be opened and looks ok (just as intended) with LibreOffice (newest version).
I do not have a WORD version myself but a colleague told me it cannot be opened with WORD 2021 giving an unspecific error message.
Error opening the file in Word.
Try the following
Check the file permissions for the document or drive
Make sure you have enough memory or disk space
Open the file with the Recover Text Converter"
With WORD Viewer (based on WORD 2007) it cannot be opened "because it was created with a newer version of WORD" - probably because WORD Viewer is no longer supported by MS.
The ouput file myDocument.docx seems to be zipped. Is this a problem? Or did I miss any compatibility issue when creating the document from a local server (XAMPP for Windows 8.2.12) running PHP Version 8.2.12?
Added :
I can reproduce this with one of the tutorials on the web that gives a very basic word document from phpWord:
$phpWord = new PhpWord();
$section = $phpWord->addSection();
$section->addText('Hello World');
$header = $section->addHeader();
$header->addText('This is my fabulous header!');
$footer = $section->addFooter();
$footer->addText('Footer text goes here.');
$objWriter = \\PhpOffice\\PhpWord\\IOFactory::createWriter($phpWord, 'Word2007');
This code produces a .docx file that can be correctly read by LibreOffice, but not by MS Word viewer.
Why is that and what do I have to do differently to produce a .docx file that MS Word will read correctly?
Any help is appreciated.