I'm working on a custom Excel Add-in and want to use entityValue to create a behavior similar to the built-in Stocks data type (and documentation here: ). However, the entityValue doesn't seem to persist beyond the function where it's created - so when I go to read the entityValues it's undefined.
I have an ExtensionPoint for my Entity DataType defined in my manifest.xml (within the DesktopFormFactor):
<ExtensionPoint xsi:type="DataType">
<Section title="Test Details">
<Field label="Quantity" field="quantity" />
<Field label="Price" field="price" />
Thus, all we're really capturing in this sample is quantity and price for a product.
Now, in a cell I put a product name (say, "Hammers") and run a command from the ribbon which converts that cell to an Entity of TestData:
async function createProductDataType(event) {
try {
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
// Get the currently selected cell.
const range = context.workbook.getSelectedRange();
range.load(["address", "values", "entityValue"]);
await context.sync();
console.log("Converting cell to Product Data Type...");
// Assume the user entered a product into the cell.
const productID = range.values[0][0];
console.log("Product ID: " + productID);
// Populate additional details for the product (just for testing)
const productData = {
prdID: productID,
quantity: 123,
price: 2.95,
console.log("productData:" + JSON.stringify(productData, null, 2));
// Just write the a version of productID to verify
range.values = [["product type: " + productID]];
console.log("Range Values: " + JSON.stringify(range.values, null, 2));
// Create an object that conforms to the Excel.EntityValue interface.
const productEntity = {
entityType: "TestData", // matches the type defined in the manifest.
prdID: productID, // A unique identifier for the entity instance.
data: productData, // The detailed data for the entity.
// Assign productEntity to the entityValue property of the cell.
range.entityValue = productEntity;
// Update the cell's format to indicate it’s been converted.
range.format.fill.color = "#88D3AF";
range.load(["entityValue", "entityValue/entityType"]);
await context.sync();
// Verify the data in the cell
console.log("Entity Value:" + JSON.stringify(range.entityValue, null, 2));
console.log("Cell type: " + range.entityValue.entityType);
await context.sync();
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error in product Data Type creation: " + error);
} finally {
// Notify the host that the command function is complete.
Invoking this function from the Ribbon behaves as expected. The console is updated as follows:
[Log] "Converting cell to Product Data Type..."
[Log] "Product ID: Hammers"
[Log] "productData:{\n \"prdID\": \"Hammers\",\n \"quantity\": 123,\n \"price\": 2.95\n}"
[Log] "Range Values:[\n [\n \"product type: Hammers\"\n ]\n]"
[Log] "Entity Value:{\n \"entityType\": \"TestData\",\n \"prdID\": \"Hammers\",\n \"data\": {\n \"prdID\": \"Hammers\",\n \"quantity\": 123,\n \"price\": 2.95\n }\n}"
[Log] "Cell type: TestData"
So far, so (kind of) good. If I try to retrieve any data from another cell (e.g. =A2.quantity) it will return an error #FIELD! (and there was no change to the cell where we created this entity data type with a little icon).
However, to validate I created a second function that queries that cell to get the entity data: (function name irrelevant, this is just the code to do the check):
// Get the currently selected cell.
const range = context.workbook.getSelectedRange();
range.load(["address", "values", "entityValue"]);
await context.sync();
console.log("Checking on entity data for cell from another function...");
console.log("Value of CELL: " + range.values[0][0]);
console.log("Entity Value CELL: " + JSON.stringify(range.entityValue, null, 2));
When I look at the console log for this, here is what I see:
[Log] "Checking on entity data for cell from another function..."
[Log] "Value of CELL: product type: Hammers"
[Log] "Entity Value CELL: undefined"
So, it appears that the entityValue/Type didn't REALLY get set in the cell.
What am I doing wrong? (running the latest Beta of Excel, and I've set the requirements for the ExcelAPI version to 1.18).