Unfortunately I have no experience with BigQuery or programming in general, but I need data from GDELT for my thesis and can't access it through the analysis tool. That's why I created this query to determine the number of protests in Iran in September 2022. However, the number I get as a result is much too high (compared e.g., ACLED). Do I need to refine my query so that I only get the count of individual events?
SELECT COUNT(\*) FROM gdelt-bq.gdeltv2.events_partitioned where \_PARTITIONTIME \>= TIMESTAMP('2022-09-01') and \_PARTITIONTIME \<= TIMESTAMP('2022-09-30') and EventRootCode = '14' and ActionGeo_CountryCode = 'IR' ;
(As another test: ACLED lists >10.600 demonstrations in the USA from 24.05-22.08.2020, with my query I receive 123.500 as result)