
swift - Supabase - RealtimePostgresChange - issue - Stack Overflow


I have inherited the following code and unfortunately after 5 days of debugging I have not made much progress and I would be forever grateful if anybody could debug it for me, I am totally at a loss on this.

Xcode is producing the following errors:

Cannot find type 'RealtimePostgresChange' in scope

Value of type 'AsyncStream<InsertAction>' has no member 'onReceive'


import Supabase
import Combine
import SwiftUI
import PostgREST

// 6. Message Service
class MessageService: ObservableObject {
    @Published var messages: [Message] = []
    @Published var error: Error?

    private let supabase: SupabaseClient
    private var channel: RealtimeChannelV2?
    private(set) var currentUserId: UUID?

    init(supabase: SupabaseClient, userId: UUID?) {
        self.supabase = supabase
        self.currentUserId = userId

    func fetchMessages() async {
        do {
            let messages: [Message] = try await supabase
                .order("created_at", ascending: true)

            self.messages = messages
        } catch {
            self.error = error

    func sendMessage(content: String) async {
        guard !content.isEmpty, let userId = currentUserId else { return }

        let message = Message(
            id: UUID(),
            content: content,
            user_id: userId,
            created_at: Date(), deleted_at: nil

        do {
            try await supabase
        } catch {
            self.error = error
    func subscribeToRealtime() async {
        channel = supabase.realtimeV2.channel("messages")

        let changes = channel?.postgresChange(
            schema: "public",
            table: "messages"
        changes?.onReceive { [weak self] (changes: [RealtimePostgresChange<Message>]) in
            guard let self else { return }
            for change in changes {
                let newMessage = change.new
                if !self.messages.contains(where: { $0.id == newMessage.id }) {

        Task {
            do {
                try await channel?.subscribe()
            } catch {
                self.error = error
       func updateUserId(_ newId: UUID?) {
        currentUserId = newId

I have tried replacing RealtimePostgresChange with RealtimeMessage but that seems to cause several other issues.



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