
javascript - Even though there is data in Firestore, query snapshot is empty - Stack Overflow


Although there is efficiency in the Firestore database, in the example below, when the chat application performs onSnapshot, querySnapshot returns empty.

useEffect(() => {
    if (!token || !eventId) return; // Add eventId check
    console.log("Fetching messages for event:", eventId);

    const messagesRef = collection(db, "events", eventId, "chats", "default", "messages");
    const messagesQuery = query(messagesRef, orderBy("timestamp", "desc"));

    const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(messagesQuery, querySnapshot => {
      // Add a log at the start of the callback to verify it runs.
      console.log("onSnapshot callback triggered");
      // Check if the snapshot is empty
      if (querySnapshot.empty) {
        console.log("No documents found in messages");
      } else {
        console.log("Snapshot data:", querySnapshot.docs.map(doc => doc.data())); // Log the data

        querySnapshot.docs.map(doc => ({
          message_id: doc.ref.id,
          user_id: doc.data().user_id,
          username: doc.data().username,
          content: doc.data().content,
          timestamp: doc.data().timestamp ? doc.data().timestamp.toDate() : new Date(),
          fileUrl: doc.data().fileUrl || "",
    return () => unsubscribe();
  }, [token, eventId]);

Firebase is working because I can make auth when I log in. I have taking log as:

(NOBRIDGE) LOG Fetching messages for event: 4
(NOBRIDGE) LOG onSnapshot callback triggered
(NOBRIDGE) LOG No documents found in messages

How can I solve this?

I made many console logs. Even though I tried to access a single document directly, I still could not access it.



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