I'm trying to make a query, and it keeps bringing something that I don't want. I have a db with users, each user has contracts. Those contracts could be active or past due. When I try to search for the users I want to bring the latest contract they have, to see if that user’s latest contract is active o past due. This is my code:
Everything works except when I try to search for users that their latest contract is past due, because if a user has 2 or more contracts and 1 of them is still active, when I apply my filter for "vencido" it brings that that user with a contract that is past due.
Is there something I'm missing?
Let me know if you need more explanation.
export async function obtenerUsuariosPaginados(
params: PaginationParams
): Promise<PaginatedResponse<Usuario & { contracts?: Contrato[] }>> {
const { page, pageSize, search, estado, tipo } = params;
const start = (page - 1) * pageSize;
// Base query
let query = supabase()
.select("*, contracts(*)", { count: "exact" })
.order("apellido", { ascending: true })
.not("contracts", "is", null) // Only include users with contracts
.order("fecha_final", {
ascending: false,
referencedTable: "contracts",
}) // Get latest contract first
.limit(1, { referencedTable: "contracts" }); // Fetch only the latest contract per user
// Apply search filter
if (search) {
const searchLower = search?.toLowerCase();
query = query.or(
// Apply contract status filter
const now = new Date().toISOString();
if (estado) {
if (estado === "activo") {
query = query
.lte("contracts.fecha_inicio", now)
.gte("contracts.fecha_final", now);
} else if (estado === "renovar") {
const twoMonthsBeforeEnd = addMonths(new Date(), 2).toISOString();
query = query
.lte("contracts.fecha_inicio", now)
.lte("contracts.fecha_final", twoMonthsBeforeEnd)
.gte("contracts.fecha_final", now);
} else if (estado === "vencido") {
query = query
.lt("contracts.fecha_final", now) // Contract is expired
.not("contracts.fecha_final", "gte", now); // Ensure no newer active contract exists
// Apply contract type filter
if (tipo) {
query = query.eq("contracts.tipo", tipo?.toLowerCase());
// Apply pagination
const { data, error, count } = await query.range(start, start + pageSize - 1);
if (error) throw error;
const totalPages = Math.ceil((count ?? 0) / pageSize);
return {
data: data.map((item) => ({
})) as (Usuario & { contracts?: Contrato[] })[],
total: count ?? 0,
If estado is "vencido", if a user has 2 o more contracts and the latest is still active, I don't want that user in the end result.