This simple example showcases that the new
keyword is not working in autohotkey v2.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
MsgBox "AHK Version: " A_AhkVersion
ih := new InputHook("L1 T0.5")
key := ih.Wait() ; Wait for one key press (or timeout)
MsgBox "Key pressed: " key
If i comment out that portion, I get the following output.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
MsgBox "AHK Version: " A_AhkVersion
;ih := new InputHook("L1 T0.5")
;key := ih.Wait() ; Wait for one key press (or timeout)
;MsgBox "Key pressed: " key
This has been frustrating me for quite a while, nothing I search online is giving me any indication of how to fix this. Any ideas