I am currently using Spatie media library for my personal project using Laravel 11.41.3 with Filament 3.2.137 and Filament's Spatie Media library 3.2.137. I have followed the installation from Filament's Spatie Media library and successfully migrated the related media tables. Afterwards, I went over to Spatie media library documentation to setup the Laravel model for using the media library as follows:
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaCollections\Models\Media;
class Product extends Model implements HasMedia
use InteractsWithMedia;
public function registerMediaConversions(?Media $media = null): void
Note that I also setup the media conversion here as well. Then, I setup the form for uploading the images with Filament resource page as follows:
namespace App\Filament\Resources\ProductResource\Pages;
use Filament\Actions;
use Filament\Forms\Form;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\EditRecord;
use App\Filament\Resources\ProductResource;
use Filament\Forms\Components\SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload;
class ProductImages extends EditRecord
protected static string $resource = ProductResource::class;
public function form(Form $form): Form {
return $form->schema([
protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [
And in Filament resource file, I added additional configuration for accessing the image upload page.
public static function getPages(): array
return [
'index' => Pages\ListProducts::route('/'),
'create' => Pages\CreateProduct::route('/create'),
'edit' => Pages\EditProduct::route('/{record}/edit'),
'images' => Pages\ProductImages::route('/{record}/images'), <--- Added this line
public static function getRecordSubNavigation(Page $page): array {
return $page->generateNavigationItems([
ProductImages::class, <--- Added this sub-navigation
The original images were uploaded to the disk storage as well as store to the database successfully. However, the image conversion fails during the Laravel queue whether on listen or work. The following image shows the terminal output of the error:
I have searched through forums related to this issue but none exist. I would appreciate any guidance on why this issue occurs. Thank you!