
scala - Need help implementing grpc pubsub using zio - Stack Overflow


I am able to connect GRPC server using scala and fetchResponse by calling the subscribe api using grpc StreamObserver. With the same configuration I tried using ZIO framework I am not reciving the response.

I have below configuration host: api.salesforce.pubsub port : 7443 tenantId : "xxx" accessToken : "yyy" instanceUrl : ";

I tried with this configuration to build ManagedChannel and call subscribe Api by passing FetchRequest(topicName) i am successfully getting the FetchResponse using StreamObserver.

With the same configuration I am not able to receive the FetchResponse and not even getting an error. Below is the ZIO-GRPC implementation.

object Main extends ZIOAppDefault{
  def managedChannel():ZManagedChannel={
    val managedChannelBuilder: ManagedChannelBuilder[_]  = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(host,port)

    val interceptor = Seq(ZClientInterceptor.headersReplacer{
      (_,_)=> SafeMetadata.make(
    ZManagedChannel(managedChannelBuilder, interceptor)

  def requestBody() ={
    val fetchRequest: zio.stream.Stream[StatusException,FetchRequest]=ZStream.succeed(FetchRequest(topicName= "topic", replayPresent = EARLIEST))

  def subcribeAndFetch():ZStream[PubSubClient, StatusException,Option[FetchResponse]]=
      _ <- ZStream.logInfo(s"fetching..")
      response <- PubSubClient.subscribe(requestBody()).map(response => Some(response))
        .catchAll(ex => ZStream.logError(s"the subscribe request failed: ${ex.getStatus}").as(None))
    } yield response

  override def run ={

Thanks in advance.



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