So, I am trying to work with Chelsa climate data from /. I can download the tif files and add them to QGIS, no problem. Its one tif for each month.
I want to create a tif file per each month with the average values from all models.
However, I am trying to access this data through their python package (/), so I don’t have all the tif files downloaded but I don’t know how to do it
I know that I want the daily mean temperature tif files from all the models that are in the following folders:
I really don't know how to do it but I assume it starts with something like this:
from chelsa_cmip6.GetClim import chelsa_cmip6\
project = \["CMIP6"\] \
source_id = \["GFDL-ESM4"\] \
experiment_id = \["ssp370"\] \
variant_label = \["r1i1p1f1"\] \
variable = \["tas"\]