
neovim - Strange indentation in tex file with astro nvim - Stack Overflow


I'm using astro nvim, editing a .tex file, and when I use gw to wrap some text, it introduces an indentation on every line after the first of the paragraph, as shown below:

I don't understand why this happens. If I create a minimal .tex file with just the few necessary commands to create a document, and one section, and put in the same text, it wraps just fine, with no indentations. This makes me think it might be some sort of context in the larger file I'm working with, which has a bunch of stuff from a journal template. I can't figure out what it is, though.

I've tried a few things such as :set breakindent or :set nobreakindent, but with the same result. (As you can probably tell, I'm far from an expert at vim settings.)

More details on version:

> nvim -V1 -v
NVIM v0.10.3, Build type: Release, LuaJIT 2.1.1734355927


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