
c++ - Marlin Custom Gcode does not accept multiple commands - Stack Overflow


I am trying to inject a custom Gcode command in Marlin Arduino with Ramps board.

I created a custom G140 and when I send the G140 the one liner command works however when I try to send more than one Gcode command the rest get ignored, how do I add the rest of the Gcode commands to the queue to execute one after the other?

The below single command executes no problem:

void GcodeSuite::G140() {  //Custom G140
queue.enqueue_now_P(PSTR("G28 Y"));


If I add multiple commands to execute it does not:

void GcodeSuite::G140() {  //Custom G140
queue.enqueue_now_P(PSTR("G28 Y"));

Serial monitor shows

---- Sent utf8 encoded message: "G140\r\n" ----
echo:enqueueing "M119"
echo:enqueueing "G28 Y"
echo:enqueueing "G21"
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: processing

The complete Gcode line I want to execute (one example):

#define STRING_A char *Str1[] = {"G21", "G90", "G64", "G0 Z 0.000", "G0 X 183.690 Y 16.834", "G0 Z 0.000", "M3 M8", "G0 Z -0.500", "G2 X 186.024 Y 19.168 I 1.167 J 1.167", "G2 X 183.690 Y 16.834 I -1.167 J -1.167", "G0 Z 0.000M9 M5", "G0 X 27.690 Y 16.834", "G0 Z 0.000", "M3 M8", "G0 Z -0.500", "G2 X 27.690 Y 16.834 I -1.167 J -1.167", "G2 X 30.024 Y 19.168 I 1.167 J 1.167", "G0 Z 0.000", "M9 M5", "G0 X 0.000 Y 0.000"};

The reason why I want to embed the Gcode file(s) inside the Marlin code is that this Gcode will never change, this is one of multiple Gcodes I want to run from a Python app, if I send the multiple files repeatedly from Python , the serial comms get blogged and slow.

My idea was to create 10 custom Gcodes and run the embedded Gcode with each receipt of the Gcode from the Python app.

I can add that I have done this successfully using an Arduino Gcode interpreter, I embedded the Gcode scripts in the Arduino code and send a letter from the Python app to Arduino and it works great. Reason why I want to use the Marlin software is for better queue handling and better execution of the Gcode, the Arduino interpreter is very basic and lack stability and reliability.

#define FIRMWARE_VERSION "v1.4"

// our point structure to make things nice
struct LongPoint {
  long x;
  long y;
  long z;
  long e;

struct FloatPoint {
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  float e;

// our command string
#define COMMAND_SIZE 128
char aWord[COMMAND_SIZE];

char buffer[128];
int sofar;

long serial_count;
long no_data = 0;

// to decode serial data
String serData = "";
boolean newData = false;

// used to decode commands
char c;
char gcode;
long code;

long line;
long LastLine = 0;

char *Str1[] = {"G21", "G90", "G64", "G0 Z   0.000", "G0 X 183.690 Y 16.834", "G0 Z 0.000", "M3 M8", "G0 Z -0.500", "G2 X 186.024 Y 19.168 I 1.167 J 1.167", "G2 X 183.690 Y 16.834 I -1.167 J -1.167", "G0 Z 0.000M9 M5", "G0 X 27.690 Y 16.834", "G0 Z 0.000", "M3 M8", "G0 Z -0.500", "G2 X 27.690 Y 16.834 I -1.167 J -1.167", "G2 X 30.024 Y 19.168 I 1.167 J 1.167", "G0 Z 0.000", "M9 M5", "G0 X 0.000 Y 0.000", "M2"};

char *Str2[] = {"G21 ", "G90 ", "G0 Z0.000 ", "M9 ", "M5 ", "G28 ", "M3 ", "M8 ", "G0 Z-0.500 ", "G1 X4.200 Y0.000 ", "G3 X5.754 Y0.412 I-0.211 J3.931 ", "G2 X7.307 Y0.824 I1.869 J-3.912 ", "G1 X52.500 Y0.825 ", "G2 X54.053 Y0.413 I-0.211 J-3.931 ", "G3 X55.607 Y0.001 I1.869 J3.912 ", "G1 X59.707 Y0.001 ", "G3 X63.274 Y1.711 I-0.350 J5.306 ", "G2 X70.740 Y1.711 I3.733 J-4.308 ", "G3 X74.307 Y0.001 I3.917 J3.596 ", "G1 X78.307 Y0.001 ", "G3 X81.874 Y1.711 I-0.350 J5.306 ", "G2 X89.340 Y1.711 I3.733 J-4.308 ", "G3 X92.907 Y0.001 I3.917 J3.596 ", "G1 X121.807 Y0.001 ", "G3 X125.374 Y1.711 I-0.350 J5.306 ", "G2 X132.840 Y1.711 I3.733 J-4.308 ", "G3 X136.407 Y0.001 I3.917 J3.596 ", "G1 X140.407 Y0.001 ", "G3 X143.974 Y1.711 I-0.350 J5.306 ", "G2 X151.440 Y1.711 I3.733 J-4.308 ", "G3 X155.007 Y0.001 I3.917 J3.596 ", "G1 X159.107 Y0.001 ", "G3 X160.660 Y0.413 I-0.315 J4.324 ", "G2 X162.214 Y0.825 I1.765 J-3.519 ", "G1 X207.406 Y0.825 ", "G2 X208.960 Y0.412 I-0.211 J-3.931 ", "G3 X210.514 Y0.000 I1.869 J3.912 ", "G1 X214.714 Y0.000 ", "G0 Z0.000 ", "M9 ", "M5 ", "G28 ", "M2 "};

char *Str3[] = {"G21 ", "G90 ", "M9 ", "M5 ", "M2 ", "G1 X20.00 Y20.000 ", "G28 ", "M114 "};

char *StrG28[] = {"G21 ", "G1 X-400.00 Y-400.000 ", "G92 ", "G1 X5.00 Y5.000 ", "G1 X-100.00 Y-100.000 ", "G92 "}; // Q

char *StrM114[] = {"M114 "};  //M

// coordinate mode
boolean abs_mode = true;

// measurement mode
boolean inches = false;

// steppers state
boolean steppers = false;
boolean e_can_step;

#define E0_ENABLE_PIN      24
#define E0_STEP_PIN        26
#define E0_DIR_PIN         28

int DebugLevel = 0;
int xx = 500; //Stepper E speed
const int LINE_BUFFER_SIZE = 128; // max line length is one less than this
float value = 58284; //34285; //3035;                   //Preload timer value (3035 for 4 seconds)

void setup()
  // Initialize serial command buffer.

void loop()
  // listen for serial commands
  while(Serial.available() > 0) {
    if(buffer[sofar-1]==';') break;  // in case there are multiple instructions
//    digitalWrite(E0_ENABLE_PIN, LOW); // enable roll motor
  // if we hit a semi-colon, assume end of instruction.
  if(sofar>0 && buffer[sofar-1]==';') {
    Serial.print("Command received: ");
    switch (buffer[sofar-2]) {
      case 'A':
        Serial.println("D received");
        run_this(Str1, sizeof(Str1)/sizeof(Str1[0]));
      case 'B':
        Serial.println("SH received");
        run_this(Str3, sizeof(Str3)/sizeof(Str3[0]));
      case 'C':
        Serial.println("B received");
        run_this(Str3, sizeof(Str3)/sizeof(Str3[0]));
      case 'D':
        Serial.println("WH received");
        run_this(Str3, sizeof(Str3)/sizeof(Str3[0]));
      case 'E':
        Serial.println("WN received");
        run_this(Str3, sizeof(Str3)/sizeof(Str3[0]));
      case 'F':
        Serial.println("LN received");
        run_this(Str3, sizeof(Str3)/sizeof(Str3[0]));
      case 'G':
        Serial.println("S received");
        run_this(Str3, sizeof(Str3)/sizeof(Str3[0]));
      case 'H':
        Serial.println("ET received");
        run_this(Str3, sizeof(Str3)/sizeof(Str3[0]));
      case 'J':
        Serial.println("BT received");
        run_this(Str3, sizeof(Str3)/sizeof(Str3[0]));
      case 'K':
        Serial.println("BC received");
        run_this(Str2, sizeof(Str2)/sizeof(Str2[0]));
      case 'L':
        Serial.println("EC received");
        run_this(Str3, sizeof(Str3)/sizeof(Str3[0]));
      case 'Q':
        Serial.println("Home XYZ");
        run_this(StrG28, sizeof(StrG28)/sizeof(StrG28[0]));
      case 'M':
        run_this(StrM114, sizeof(StrM114)/sizeof(StrM114[0]));
        Serial.println("Nothing to process");

  else {
    // start counting no-data clicks to timeout steppers


void run_this(char *gcode[], int bufsize)


//  e_can_step = true;
  for (int i = 0; i < bufsize; i++) {
    strcpy(aWord, gcode[i]);
    serial_count = strlen(aWord);


    no_data = 0;
    // if we got a command, do it
    if (serial_count) {
    process_string(aWord, serial_count-1);
    LastLine = line;
    no_data = 0;
// reset the buffer
    sofar = 0;
    if (no_data > 10000)

Any direction on how to send the multiple commands inside the Marlin Gcode line consecutive will be appreciated



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