Assuming I have the following markup:
<button id="dec">-</button>
<output id="out">0</output>
<button id="inc">+</button>
<button id="res">RESET</button>
And the following Rx.js script:
var total = 0
// decrement
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#dec'), 'click')
.map(function() { return -1 }),
// increment
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#inc'), 'click')
.map(function() { return +1 }),
// reset
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#res'), 'click')
.map(function() { return -total })
) // merge
.forEach(function(delta) {
total += delta
Everything works as expected. Clicking the +/- increments/decrements the counter, and clicking 'RESET' resets it back to zero, but...I have the variable 'total' at the top. This is state, which if I subscribe to the values of functional reactive programming, is evil, no? If so, how do I remedy this? If I didn't have the reset button, I could just use scan(seed, accumulator)
, but the functionality of the reset button is throwing me for a loop, as to how to do it 'stateless'.
Working fiddle here.
Assuming I have the following markup:
<button id="dec">-</button>
<output id="out">0</output>
<button id="inc">+</button>
<button id="res">RESET</button>
And the following Rx.js script:
var total = 0
// decrement
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#dec'), 'click')
.map(function() { return -1 }),
// increment
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#inc'), 'click')
.map(function() { return +1 }),
// reset
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#res'), 'click')
.map(function() { return -total })
) // merge
.forEach(function(delta) {
total += delta
Everything works as expected. Clicking the +/- increments/decrements the counter, and clicking 'RESET' resets it back to zero, but...I have the variable 'total' at the top. This is state, which if I subscribe to the values of functional reactive programming, is evil, no? If so, how do I remedy this? If I didn't have the reset button, I could just use scan(seed, accumulator)
, but the functionality of the reset button is throwing me for a loop, as to how to do it 'stateless'.
Working fiddle here.
Share Improve this question asked Jul 15, 2015 at 15:25 Jonathan ApodacaJonathan Apodaca 5,7886 gold badges33 silver badges41 bronze badges3 Answers
Reset to default 20There are two ways of going about this that I can see.
First, there is nothing that says you can't augment your data in the pipeline:
// decrement
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#dec'), 'click')
.map(function() { return {delta : -1}; }),
// increment
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#inc'), 'click')
.map(function() { return {delta : +1}; }),
// reset
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#res'), 'click')
.map(function() { return {reset : true}; })
) // merge
.scan(0, function(acc, value) {
return value.reset ? 0 : acc +;
.forEach(function(delta) {
The above lets you signal downstream that the stream has been reset by adding in a field (note: I cheated, for readability you might want to add reset : false
rather than rely on falsey-ness, but it's up to you).
Alternatively, if you think of the reset
as actually resetting the stream then you could instead use flatMapLatest
to wrap the incrementing and decrementing:
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#res'), 'click')
.flatMapLatest(function(e) {
return Rx.Observable.merge(
// decrement
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#dec'), 'click')
.map(function() { return -1 }),
// increment
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#inc'), 'click')
.map(function() { return +1 })
.scan(0, function(acc, delta) { return acc + delta })
.subscribe(function(value) {
This makes the stream a little bit messier than it has to be with the inclusion of two .startWith
s to kick off the respective sequences, but if you were opposed to augmenting and wanted the state implicitly controlled by the stream then this would be an approach.
Following @paulpdaniels answer, here is what i'm using with Ramda:
var hardSet = Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#set');
var decRes = Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#dec');
var incRes = Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#inc');
Rx.Observable.merge( { return R.add(1); }), { return R.add(-1); }), { return R.always(0); })
).scan(function(prev, f) {
return f(prev);
}, 0);
Here is how it (reset + input for changing step) could be accomplished RxJs v6:
const { fromEvent, merge } = rxjs;
const { map, mapTo, startWith, scan, withLatestFrom } = rxjs.operators;
const resultEl = document.getElementById("js-result"),
stepInpEl = document.getElementById("js-step-inp"),
btnDecEl = document.getElementById("js-btn-dec"),
btnIncEl = document.getElementById("js-btn-inc"),
btnReset = document.getElementById("js-btn-reset");
// observables (5)
const step$ = fromEvent(stepInpEl, "input").pipe(
startWith({ target: { value: 5 } }),
map(e => Number(
const inc$ = fromEvent(btnIncEl, "click").pipe(
map(([e, step]) => step )
const dec$ = fromEvent(btnDecEl, "click").pipe(
map(([e, step]) => -step )
const reset$ = fromEvent(btnReset, "click").pipe(
mapTo( 0 )
const counter$ = merge(dec$, inc$, reset$).pipe(
startWith( 0 ),
scan((acc, value) => value && acc + value)
// subscriptions (2)
counter$.subscribe(val => resultEl.innerHTML = val);
step$.subscribe(val => stepInpEl.value = val);
<h2>RxJS (v6) counter</h2>
<em>5 observables, 2 subscriptions</em>
<h3>Result: <span id="js-result"></span></h3>
<button id="js-btn-reset">Reset</button>
<input type="number" id="js-step-inp" class="stepInp">
<button id="js-btn-dec">Decrement</button>
<button id="js-btn-inc">Increment</button>
Live example on codepen