
javascript - angular 4 to angular 5 Cannot find module '@angularrouter' - Stack Overflow

  • I am upgrading from angular 2 to angular 5.
  • after upgradation I am seeing the below errors in the the ts file.
  • in angular5 do I need to remove @angular/core and @angular/router
  • after upgradation providing the package.json also
  • providing my error and code snippet below.
  • can you tell me how to fix it.


[ts] Cannot find module '@angular/core'.
[ts] Cannot find module '@angular/router'.


import {Component, ElementRef, Input,Output,EventEmitter,Inject, OnInit,ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {KendoGridComponent} from '../grid/gridponent'
import { Router} from '@angular/router';


  "name": "SPORTS",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "SPORTS player - v0.2.37.1",
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  "repository": {
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  • I am upgrading from angular 2 to angular 5.
  • after upgradation I am seeing the below errors in the the ts file.
  • in angular5 do I need to remove @angular/core and @angular/router
  • after upgradation providing the package.json also
  • providing my error and code snippet below.
  • can you tell me how to fix it.


[ts] Cannot find module '@angular/core'.
[ts] Cannot find module '@angular/router'.


import {Component, ElementRef, Input,Output,EventEmitter,Inject, OnInit,ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {KendoGridComponent} from '../grid/grid.component'
import { Router} from '@angular/router';


  "name": "SPORTS",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "SPORTS player - v0.2.37.1",
  "engines": {
    "node": "7.10.1"
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "@angular/animations": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/common": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/compiler": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/core": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/forms": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/http": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/platform-server": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/router": "^5.2.2",
    "@angular/upgrade": "2.0.0",
    "@ng-idle/core": "2.0.0-beta.2",
    "@ng-idle/keepalive": "2.0.0-beta.2",
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    "karma": "^1.2.0",
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    "karma-jasmine": "^0.3.8",
    "karma-jquery": "^0.1.0",
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    "karma-typescript": "^2.1.4",
    "karma-typescript-preprocessor": "^0.3.0"
  "main": "server.js",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "webpack-dev-server --config  ./webpack.dev.js --inline --progress --color ",
    "postinstall": "webpack -p --config ./webpack.prod.js --progress --profile --bail",
    "start": "node server.js"
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "https://github.iSPORTS.com/player-Replatform/webcomponent.git"
Share Improve this question edited Jan 25, 2018 at 21:06 Melchia 24.2k23 gold badges108 silver badges128 bronze badges asked Jan 25, 2018 at 20:26 user9201591user9201591 2
  • 1 Did you run npm install? – P.S. Commented Jan 25, 2018 at 20:29
  • When in doubt, blow away the node_modules folder and run another npm install. Your package.json file is fine. – RockGuitarist1 Commented Jan 26, 2018 at 20:16
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3 Answers 3

Reset to default 22

You need to install these dependencies manually.

$ npm i @angular/core -s
$ npm i @angular/router -s

I also faced the same issue while upgrading because of npm. I suggest you start using yarn instead.

  1. Is this error coming from the compiler or an IDE tool like Intellisense? I find sometimes with installing/branch switching IDE tools like this can get confused and require a restart of the IDE.

  2. If it won't compile, are the modules actually in your node_modules? If not, delete your package-lock.json or shrinkwrap.json and install again. NPM adds the package lock by default as of 5.0 and I find with complicated dependencies it can mess up sometimes.

  3. If they are there, run npm prune and npm install again.

  4. If that doesn't work, nuke node_modules alongside any lock file and install again.

  5. Do any third-party libraries require an update? Angular 5 had some breaking API changes. Check their docs if that's the case.

  6. Consider Yarn.

I'm pretty sure it's the first one, but I'll leave all the steps I usually take just for the sake of completion.

Make sure you are exporting RouterModule in each router module that has children. In the angular documentation this is not explicitly stated as being necessary -- it's merely included in the examples -- but it is necessary, as one finds out after the customary several hours of edit-run-sigh, edit-run-shout, edit-run-google-editWithHope-scream-considerSmashingKeyboard, edit-run-cry, edit-run-solveByAccident-feelMomentaryPride (repeat).

The upshot: include RouterModule. The meta upshot: pay attention to the little seemingly unnecessary code in official documentation.



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