I just started experimenting with GSAP and ScrollTriggers. My goal is to make a little animation within a section.hero that stays pinned to the screen while doing the animation. Currently my issue is that the section that I put the animations in has a 900px translate on the Y axis, at the load of the page. When I scroll down and arrive at the end of the animation the 900px translate is removed and my section goes back to the top of the screen as I want it to and the animation works as expected. Why does my section.hero has such a big offset ?
<section class="hero">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="title">
<h1 class="left">Title</h1>
<div class="right"></div>
<div class="title">
<div class="left"></div>
<h1 class="right">Title</h1>
<div class="title anim">
<h1 class="left">Title</h1>
<div class="right"></div>
<div class="title">
<div class="left"></div>
<h1 class="right">Title</h1>
const scrollTrigger = {
trigger: '.hero',
scrub: 0.75,
markers: true,
pin: true,
pinSpacing: false,
gsap.to('.left', {
scrollTrigger: scrollTrigger,
xPercent: -100,
ease: 'none',
gsap.to('.right', {
scrollTrigger: scrollTrigger,
xPercent: 100,
ease: 'none',
I tried adding the pinSpacing: false to my JS but that didn't work neither does having it to true.