I am developing my own programming language with a lexer, parser, and AST implementation. The AST seems to be constructed properly for most cases, but when testing with specific input, I encounter a syntax error, and the parser doesn’t behave as expected. Given the following input code for my language:
whole_y a -> 5;
floaty b -> 6;
chain d -> ^ciao come stai^;
throw_up 5;
send_back 5;
as_long_as(a>5){ a->5; }
I get this error during parsing: Error at line 1: syntax error, unexpected T_RCURPAR, expecting ';' The parser should properly parse the as_long_as (while loop) block, but instead, it throws an error when encountering all_set; Here’s the relevant portion of my grammar:
T_GO control_block T_ALL_SET { $$ = node1(_CONTROLBLOCK, $2); }
if_block { $$ = $1; }
| while_block { $$ = $1; }
| for_block { $$ = $1; }
| switch_case { $$ = $1; }
T_AS_LONG_AS T_LPAREN expression T_RPAREN T_LCURPAR statements T_RCURPAR { $$ = node2(_WHILE, $3, $6); }
statement ';' { $$ = $1; }
| statements statement ';' { $$ = node2(_STATEMENTS, $1, $2); }
declaration { $$ = node1(_DECLARATION, $1); }
| assignment { $$ = node1(_ASSIGNMENT, $1); }
| function_call { $$ = $1; }
| block { $$ = $1; }
| T_SENDBACK expression { $$ = node1(_RETURN, $2); }
| T_THROWUP expression { $$ = node1(_PRINT, $2); }
What could be causing the parser to throw a T_RCURPAR syntax error when it encounters all_set;?
- Checked for missing or conflicting grammar rules.
- Debugged the lexer to ensure tokens are being generated correctly.
- Simplified the input to isolate the problematic grammar rule.