I recently converted a .jar file containing a java project into a .exe file using Launch4j, however, I am unable to launch it by clicking the icon or by right clicking and selecting run. I am able to run it through the console but I intend to publish it. Can someone help?
My jdk version is 21. I am using an Ubuntu system.
.xml configuration:
<startupErr>An error occurred while starting the application.</startupErr>
<jreNotFoundErr>This application requires a Java Runtime Environment.</jreNotFoundErr>
<jreVersionErr>This application requires a Java Runtime Environment</jreVersionErr>
<launcherErr>The registry refers to a nonexistent Java Runtime Environment installation or the runtime is corrupted.</launcherErr>
<instanceAlreadyExistsMsg>An application instance is already running.</instanceAlreadyExistsMsg>