I am trying to create a script that will be added to my program. It will be based on VideoSubFinder. The idea of the script is to select text in an image using the mouse and print a value in the following way
After selecting a text, It is printed calculated in percent.
top : 0.305211
bottom : 0.0545906
left : 0
right : 1
I found this code but it only select a rectangular
import cv2
class BoundingBoxWidget(object):
def __init__(self):
self.original_image = cv2.imread('1.jpg')
self.clone = self.original_image.copy()
cv2.setMouseCallback('image', self.extract_coordinates)
# Bounding box reference points
self.image_coordinates = []
def extract_coordinates(self, event, x, y, flags, parameters):
# Record starting (x,y) coordinates on left mouse button click
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
self.image_coordinates = [(x,y)]
# Record ending (x,y) coordintes on left mouse button release
elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
print('top left: {}, bottom right: {}'.format(self.image_coordinates[0], self.image_coordinates[1]))
print('x,y,w,h : ({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(self.image_coordinates[0][0], self.image_coordinates[0][1], self.image_coordinates[1][0] - self.image_coordinates[0][0], self.image_coordinates[1][1] - self.image_coordinates[0][1]))
# Draw rectangle
cv2.rectangle(self.clone, self.image_coordinates[0], self.image_coordinates[1], (36,255,12), 2)
cv2.imshow("image", self.clone)
# Clear drawing boxes on right mouse button click
elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN:
self.clone = self.original_image.copy()
def show_image(self):
return self.clone
if __name__ == '__main__':
boundingbox_widget = BoundingBoxWidget()
while True:
cv2.imshow('image', boundingbox_widget.show_image())
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
# Close program with keyboard 'q'
if key == ord('q'):