
php - Email verification in wave v3 Saas template - Stack Overflow


Im new to laravel and Ia m using wave v3 from devdojo for my saas app which is actualy done except for one thing and that is email verification of regustered user. Documentations says that I meed to enable it in auth/setup url butthis only send email to user after he registers. Columns in db are still empty ( verification_code, verifed and emal_verified_at). Inside routes/web.php in wave folder there are some commented out routes but after uncommentig it still does nt work. Question is: what do I have to in order to have email verficiation using wave saas template( it uses devdojo auth under the hood)?

Thanks a lot!

I need quidelines how to add this functionality since I think it is not regar laravel implementation



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