
flutter - How to send images from my real device to ERP - Stack Overflow

 Future<void> saveRapport(
      int interventionID, String? interventionRef, Rapport rapport) async {
    try {
      print("=== Starting saveRapport in repository ===");
      print("Images count in rapport: ${rapport.images.length}");
      print("Intervention ref: $interventionRef");
      // Convert postes data to match API format
      final List<Map<String, dynamic>> formattedPostes =
          rapport.postes.map((poste) {
        return {
          "label": "Poste ROTECH Rascal ${poste.numero?.toString()}" ?? "TEST",
          "fk_consumption": int.tryParse(poste.consumption ?? "1") ?? 1,
          "fk_type": poste.baitType,
          "fk_trap_status": poste.status,
          "fk_fixation": poste.fixation,
          "fk_product": int.parse(poste.product ?? "0"),
          "fk_intervention": interventionID,
          "ref": "${interventionRef}_Num_${poste.numero}",
          "comment": postement ?? "",
          "image": poste.image != null
              ? {
                  "id_intervention": interventionID.toString(),
                  "ref_post": "${interventionRef}_Num_${poste.numero}",
                  "filename": "poste${poste.numero}.png",
                  "file_content": poste.image
              : null

      // Format markers for imageplan
      final List<Map<String, dynamic>> formattedMarkers = rapport.postes
          .where((poste) => poste.marker != null)
          .map((poste) => {
                "x": poste.marker!.position.dx,
                "y": poste.marker!.position.dy,
                "color": _colorToHex(poste.marker!.color)

      // Create a list for other images with unique timestamps
      final List<Map<String, dynamic>> formattedImages =
          rapport.images.map((image) {
        return {
          "ref_intervention": interventionRef,
          "file_content": image

      final List<Map<String, dynamic>> formattedLevelPlans =
          rapport.levelPlans.map((levelPlan) {
            'Formatting level plan: Level ${levelPlan.level}, Name: ${levelPlan.levelName}');
        return {
          "ref_intervention": interventionRef,
          "file_content": levelPlan.image,
          "level": levelPlan.level, // Use the level directly from the levelPlan
          "markers": levelPlan.markers
              .map((marker) => {
                    "x": marker.position.dx,
                    "y": marker.position.dy,
                    "color": _colorToHex(marker.color)

      final List<Map<String, dynamic>> formattedOriginalPlans =
              .map((levelPlan) => {
                    "ref_intervention": interventionRef,
                    "file_content": levelPlan.originalImage,
                    "level": levelPlan.level,

      print("Formatting ${rapport.images.length} images for request");

      // Create the request body
      final Map<String, dynamic> requestBody = {
        "clientRapportDesc": rapport.clientRapportDesc,
        "internRapportDesc": rapport.internRapportDesc,
        "time": rapport.time.toString(),
        "postes": formattedPostes,
        'implantation': rapport.implantationDate,
        'controle': rapport.controleDate,
        'presence_nuisible': rapport.nuisancesPresence,
        'nombre_egouts': rapport.nbEgoutsTraites,
        'nombre_egouts_consomm': rapport.nbEgoutsAvecConsommation,
        'pourcentage_presence': rapport.pourcentagePresence,
        "imageplan": formattedLevelPlans,
        "imageplan_original": formattedOriginalPlans,
        "imagesignature": rapport.clientSignature.isNotEmpty
            ? {
                "ref_intervention": interventionRef,
                "filename": "signature.png",
                "file_content": rapport.clientSignature
            : null,
        "autresimages": formattedImages

      print("Request body prepared with ${formattedImages.length} images");

      var request = http.Request(

      request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
      request.body = json.encode(requestBody);

      final response = await _sendRequest(request);
      print('Response status: ${response.statusCode}');

      if (response.statusCode != 200) {
        throw Exception('Failed to save rapport: ${response.statusCode}');

      print('Rapport registered successfully');
    } catch (e) {
      print('Error saving rapport: $e');
      throw Exception('Error saving rapport: $e');

When I send images to the backend from my real device, I have to refresh the ERP page multiple times for all of them to display. This issue doesn't occur when I send the images from my emulator. The saverapport() method is the function I use to send the images.

I think it might be a network issues but I am not sure about it.



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