
azure devops - Migrating workitem AttachmentNotFoundException - Stack Overflow


I've got an issue when I migrate a work item across azuredevops project. I have admin access to my onpremise instance.

scenario: 1] I have work Item in project A with several picture ( in content and in comment ) 2] I process to migration of this workitem to project B 3] In project B I see the workItem but the pucture are broken. I have the following error when I click on broken image: {"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"TF237136: la pièce jointe n'existe pas ou vous ne disposez pas des autorisations nécessaires pour la lire.","typeName":"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.AttachmentNotFoundException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server","typeKey":"AttachmentNotFoundException","errorCode":602204,"eventId":3200}

One customer mіgrate ticket where several images join on it. Afer migrating We have a broken link without image. broken image

How Can I repair this ? Is the right access we need to change ?



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