I'm getting really frustrated, help me out here internet: I started using windows 11 with sublime and this is a problem I have never had on other windows systems. Basically the keybind for join_lines doesn't work in its default form. I added on line 4 a command that does work. But I want the command to work for ctrl+shift+j and ctrl+j. line 3 will not work though, only line 4 (with the other two commented out) works. So how can I fix this so line 3 works. You can break this up into getting the default command line 358 working and go from there if that's easier. I don't think ctrl+shift+j is binded to anything else that conflicts in another program, I tried it on the desktop and nothing happens.
{ "keys": ["ctrl+j", "ctrl+shift+j"], "command": "join_lines" }