I am designing a Power Automate Flow that requires all management approval for the hiring process, from manager up to VP. Depending on the department/hiring manager's level, this could be from 1 to 6 people. Not all areas of the business have all management levels either.
How do I design a flow that can send an approval process to the required number of managers, depending on each situation? The approvals should be sent sequentially, based on org hierarchy, so starting with the manager's approval, then the next level up, and so on until the VP. Variables for emails have all been set to string. I am wondering how to assign the approvals without having to create 6 different conditional streams.
- I tried using 6 different conditions, based on the number of approvers, but it makes for a very long & complicated flow.
- I also tried making a single approval string using all applicable approvers, but it doesn't follow an approval order.
- I tried Assigned To with 6 levels, leaving some with a blank entry, but if when an email field is blank, it errors out. enter image description here
Requester: Supervisor; Approvals in order: Manager ⇒ AGM ⇒ GM ⇒ SM ⇒ MD ⇒ VP
Requester: SM; Approvals in order: MD ⇒ VP
Requester: Manager; Approvals in order: Manager ⇒ GM ⇒ MD ⇒ VP