I used multiple inner blocks to make a new block for me. And I found a problem. The problem is after every block if I hover over there is a block appender popping up though I used the props template lock="all". Codes are as follows
template={ [
['core/columns', { columns: 1 },
['core/column', {},
[ 'core/heading', { level: 2, content: 'Example Nested Block Template' } ],
[ 'core/paragraph', { content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet labore cras venenatis.' } ],
[ 'core/columns', { columns: 2 },
[ 'core/column', {}, [
[ 'core/image', { } ],
[ 'core/column', {}, [
[ 'core/list', { content: 'list item' } ],
[ 'core/button', { text: 'Buy Now' } ],
] }
the result is shown in the image I've shared.
As you can see there is a block appender symbol popped up even after I used templatelock. Whats is the reason behind this problem and how can i disable it?