
JavaScript new Date Ordinal (st, nd, rd, th) - Stack Overflow


If at all possible, without JavaScript libraries or lots of clunky code I am looking for the simplest way to format a date two weeks from now in the following format:

13th March 2013

The code I am using is:

var newdate = new Date(+new Date + 12096e5);
document.body.innerHTML = newdate;

which returns the date and time two weeks from now, but like this: Wed Mar 27 2013 21:50:29 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Here is the code in jsFiddle.

Any help would be appreciated!

If at all possible, without JavaScript libraries or lots of clunky code I am looking for the simplest way to format a date two weeks from now in the following format:

13th March 2013

The code I am using is:

var newdate = new Date(+new Date + 12096e5);
document.body.innerHTML = newdate;

which returns the date and time two weeks from now, but like this: Wed Mar 27 2013 21:50:29 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Here is the code in jsFiddle.

Any help would be appreciated!

Share Improve this question edited Aug 9, 2018 at 22:37 dhilt 20.7k8 gold badges78 silver badges93 bronze badges asked Mar 13, 2013 at 22:02 user1635828user1635828 1,0112 gold badges8 silver badges4 bronze badges 4
  • apart from a missing "of" I have no problem with that date – mplungjan Commented Mar 13, 2013 at 22:05
  • try this stackoverflow.com/questions/1056728/… – ebram khalil Commented Mar 13, 2013 at 22:05
  • I was wondering how to do exactly the opposite ? I don't want to bring up new thread so if someone has the link I'd appreciate it – v0d1ch Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 13:40
  • 1 This is outside of the scope of the original question, but I don't suppose anyone has tackled ordinals in other languages? I know French does theirs a bit different, for example. – MrBoJangles Commented Oct 1, 2020 at 20:28
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23 Answers 23

Reset to default 159

Note this works for day numbers from 1 to 31.

const nth = (d) => {
  if (d > 3 && d < 21) return 'th';
  switch (d % 10) {
    case 1:  return "st";
    case 2:  return "nd";
    case 3:  return "rd";
    default: return "th";

// test code

const fortnightAway = new Date(+new Date + 12096e5);
const date = fortnightAway.getDate();
const month = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"][fortnightAway.getMonth()];

document.getElementById("date").innerHTML = `In two weeks it will be the ${date}<sup>${nth(date)}</sup> of ${month} ${fortnightAway.getFullYear()}`;

// test
const dates = [...Array(32).keys()].slice(1).map(i => `${i}${nth(i)}`)
console.log(dates.join(", "))
sup {
  font-size: x-small
<span id="date"></span>

Here is a version for any number

const nth = (d) => {
  const dString = String(d);
  const last = +dString.slice(-2);
  if (last > 3 && last < 21) return 'th';
  switch (last % 10) {
    case 1:  return "st";
    case 2:  return "nd";
    case 3:  return "rd";
    default: return "th";

// test
const numbers = [...Array(1225).keys()].map(i => `${i}${nth(i)}`)
console.log(numbers.join(", "))

Oneliner suggested in comments

const nth = n => n>3&&n<21?"th":n%10==1?"st":n%10==2?"nd":n%10==3?"rd":"th";

// to call: nth(i)

// test
document.getElementById("nums").innerHTML =  [...Array(1225).keys()].map(i => `<pre>${String(i).padStart(3," ")}<sup>${nth(i)}</sup></pre>`).join(" ");
pre { display:inline-block; margin:2px; }
<div id="nums"></div>

If you do not like switch, this will work equally well

const nth = (d) => {
  const last = +String(d).slice(-2);
  if (last > 3 && last < 21) return 'th';
  const remainder = last % 10;
  if (remainder === 1) return "st";
  if (remainder === 2) return "nd";
  if (remainder === 3) return "rd";
  return "th";

// test
const numbers = [...Array(1225).keys()].map(i => `${i}${nth(i)}`)
console.log(numbers.join(", "))

Here is a one liner inspired by the other answers. It is tested and will take 0 and negative numbers.

function getOrdinalNum(n) {
  return n + (n > 0 ? ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'][(n > 3 && n < 21) || n % 10 > 3 ? 0 : n % 10] : '');

Update 2020-06-23. The following is a better readable answer of the function above:

const getOrdinalNum = (number) => {
  let selector;

  if (number <= 0) {
    selector = 4;
  } else if ((number > 3 && number < 21) || number % 10 > 3) {
    selector = 0;
  } else {
    selector = number % 10;

  return number + ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd', ''][selector];

I was doing this for dates as well, but because the day of month can only be between 1 and 31, I ended up with a simplified solution.

function dateOrdinal(dom) {
    if (dom == 31 || dom == 21 || dom == 1) return dom + "st";
    else if (dom == 22 || dom == 2) return dom + "nd";
    else if (dom == 23 || dom == 3) return dom + "rd";
    else return dom + "th";

or compact version using conditional operators

function dateOrdinal(d) {
    return d+(31==d||21==d||1==d?"st":22==d||2==d?"nd":23==d||3==d?"rd":"th")


If you are a fan of moment.js, then you can make it with format("Do")


var newdate = new Date();
moment(newdate).format("Do MMMM YYYY")
//Returns 1st January 2020

moment("01/01/2020", "MM/DD/YYYY").format("Do")
//Returns 1st

moment("01/01/2020", "MM/DD/YYYY").format("Do MMM YYYY")
//Returns 1st Jan 2020

There are a lot of good answers here already, although one that makes use of Intl.PluralRules, which standardises the classification of ordinals across locales, may still be useful.

Below are some implementations for en-GB.


  • a one liner:

    console.log({one:'st',two:'nd',few:'rd',other:'th'}[new Intl.PluralRules('en-GB', { type: 'ordinal' }).select(new Date().getDate())])
  • a verbose example:

    const suffixMap = {
      one: 'st',
      two: 'nd',
      few: 'rd',
      other: 'th',
    const locale = 'en-GB';
    const moment = new Date();
    const dayOfMonth = moment.getDate();
    const pluralRuleOptions = {
      type: 'ordinal',
    const pluralRule = new Intl.PluralRules(locale, pluralRuleOptions);
    const ordinal = pluralRule.select(dayOfMonth);

const suffix = {
  one: 'st',
  two: 'nd',
  few: 'rd',
  other: 'th',

document.getElementById("tomorrow-month").innerHTML = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', { month: 'long' }).format(new Date(Date.now() + 86400000));
document.getElementById("tomorrow-day").innerHTML = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', { day: 'numeric' }).format(new Date(Date.now() + 86400000));
document.getElementById("tomorrow-ordinal").innerHTML = suffix[new Intl.PluralRules('en-GB', { type: 'ordinal' }).select(new Date(Date.now() + 86400000).getDate())];

document.getElementById("yesterday-month").innerHTML = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', { month: 'long' }).format(new Date(Date.now() - 86400000));
document.getElementById("yesterday-day").innerHTML = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', { day: 'numeric' }).format(new Date(Date.now() - 86400000));
document.getElementById("yesterday-ordinal").innerHTML = suffix[new Intl.PluralRules('en-GB', { type: 'ordinal' }).select(new Date(Date.now() - 86400000).getDate())];
Tomorrow, on <span id="tomorrow-month"></span> <span id="tomorrow-day"></span><sup id="tomorrow-ordinal"></sup>, I ordered a time machine.
It arrived yesterday on <span id="yesterday-month"></span> <span id="yesterday-day"></span><sup id="yesterday-ordinal"></sup>.

Here's a simple function that works with any number:

function getOrdinal(n) {
    let ord = ["st", "nd", "rd"]
    let exceptions = [11, 12, 13]
    let nth = 
    ord[(n % 10) - 1] == undefined || exceptions.includes(n % 100) ? "th" : ord[(n % 10) - 1]
    return n + nth

It can accept a number or number as a string. For example:

getOrdinal(28)        //Outputs: 28th
getOrdinal('108')     //Outputs: 108th

One more solution in the sea of solutions.

let suffix = (day >= 4 &&  day <= 20) || (day >= 24 && day <= 30)
    ? "th"
    : ["st", "nd", "rd"][day % 10 - 1];

Lots of formatting answers, so I'll just work on the nth of any integer-

Number.prototype.nth= function(){
    if(this%1) return this;
    var s= this%100;
    if(s>3 && s<21) return this+'th';
        case 1: return this+'st';
        case 2: return this+'nd';
        case 3: return this+'rd';
        default: return this+'th';

If you are a fan of dayjs, which is now preferred over moment, here is an example:

you can just do dayjs(date).format('Do') but I've included an example to show how you can use it with any format you want.

Note that date ordinality is available with Dayjs advanced formats.

var advancedFormat = require('dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat')

// date variable - your date to format eg:- 2022-04-01T21:27:00
dayjs(date).format('dddd, MMMM Do [at] h:mma')

Output for above example (2022-04-01T21:27:00):

Lots of answers, here's another:

function addOrd(n) {
  var ords = [, 'st', 'nd', 'rd'];
  var ord, m = n % 100;
  return n + ((m > 10 && m < 14) ? 'th' : ords[m % 10] || 'th');

// Return date string two weeks from now (14 days) in 
// format 13th March 2013
function formatDatePlusTwoWeeks(d) {
  var months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
    'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'

  // Copy date object so don't modify original
  var e = new Date(d);

  // Add two weeks (14 days)
  e.setDate(e.getDate() + 14);
  return addOrd(e.getDate()) + ' ' + months[e.getMonth()] + ' ' + e.getFullYear();

console.log(formatDatePlusTwoWeeks(new Date()));

// Alternative using Intl.DateTimeFormat
function datePlusTwoWeeks(date = new Date()) {
  let d = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 14);
  let parts = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en',{
    year: 'numeric',
    month: 'long',
    day: 'numeric'
  }).formatToParts(d).reduce((acc, part) => {
    acc[part.type] = part.value;
    return acc;
  }, Object.create(null));
  return `${addOrd(parts.day)} ${parts.month} ${parts.year}`;


This works great for me

ordinal(n) {
    var s = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"];
    var v = n%100;
    return n + (s[(v-20)%10] || s[v] || s[0]);


OUTPUT: 11th

Here is a modern approach using the Intl library:

const locale = 'en-US',
      suffixMap = { one: 'st', two: 'nd', few: 'rd', other: 'th' },
      pluralRule = new Intl.PluralRules(locale, { type: 'ordinal', }),
      withOrdinal = (n) => `${n}${suffixMap[pluralRule.select(n)]}`,
      dateFmt = Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { month: 'long', year: 'numeric' }),
      formatDate = (date) => `${withOrdinal(date.getDate())} ${dateFmt.format(date)}`;

console.log(formatDate(new Date()));

Here is another approach.

const locale = 'en-US',
      suffixMap = { one: 'st', two: 'nd', few: 'rd', other: 'th' },
      pluralRule = new Intl.PluralRules(locale, { type: 'ordinal', }),
      withOrdinal = (n) => `${n}${suffixMap[pluralRule.select(n)]}`,
      dayOfWeekFormatter = Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { weekday: 'long' }),
      monthFormatter = Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { month: 'long' });

const getDayInfo = () => {
  const now = new Date(),
        dayOfWeek = now.getDay(),
        currentMonth = now.getMonth(),
        currDate = new Date(now.getTime());
  let occurance = 1;
  while (currDate.getMonth() > currentMonth - 1) {
    currDate.setDate(currDate.getDate() - 1);
    if (currDate.getDay() === dayOfWeek) {
  const ordinal = withOrdinal(occurance),
        weekday = dayOfWeekFormatter.format(now),
        month = monthFormatter.format(now);
  return `Today is the ${ordinal} ${weekday} of ${month}`;

const info = getDayInfo();


I'm a bit late to the party, but this should work:

function ordinal(number) {
  number = Number(number)
  if(!number || (Math.round(number) !== number)) {
    return number
  var signal = (number < 20) ? number : Number(('' + number).slice(-1))
  switch(signal) {
    case 1:
      return number + 'st'
    case 2:
      return number + 'nd'
    case 3:
      return number + 'rd'
      return number + 'th'

function specialFormat(date) {
  // add two weeks
  date = new Date(+date + 12096e5)
  var months = [
    , 'February'
    , 'March'
    , 'April'
    , 'May'
    , 'June'
    , 'July'
    , 'August'
    , 'September'
    , 'October'
    , 'November'
    , 'December'
  var formatted = ordinal(date.getDate())
  formatted += ' ' + months[date.getMonth()]
  return formatted + ' ' + date.getFullYear()

document.body.innerHTML = specialFormat(new Date())

As many has mentioned, here is another answer.

This is directly based on @kennebec's answer, which I found the most simplest way to get this date Ordinal generated for given JavaScript date:

I created two prototype function as follows:

Date.prototype.getDateWithDateOrdinal = function() {
    var d = this.getDate();  // from here on I've used Kennebec's answer, but improved it.
    if(d>3 && d<21) return d+'th';
    switch (d % 10) {
        case 1:  return d+"st";
        case 2:  return d+"nd";
        case 3:  return d+"rd";
        default: return d+"th";

Date.prototype.getMonthName = function(shorten) {
    var monthsNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
    var monthIndex = this.getMonth();
    var tempIndex = -1;
    if (monthIndex == 0){ tempIndex = 0 };
    if (monthIndex == 1){ tempIndex = 1 };
    if (monthIndex == 2){ tempIndex = 2 };
    if (monthIndex == 3){ tempIndex = 3 };
    if (monthIndex == 4){ tempIndex = 4 };
    if (monthIndex == 5){ tempIndex = 5 };
    if (monthIndex == 6){ tempIndex = 6 };
    if (monthIndex == 7){ tempIndex = 7 };
    if (monthIndex == 8){ tempIndex = 8 };
    if (monthIndex == 9){ tempIndex = 9 };
    if (monthIndex == 10){ tempIndex = 10 };
    if (monthIndex == 11){ tempIndex = 11 };

    if (tempIndex > -1) {
        this.monthName = (shorten) ? monthsNames[tempIndex].substring(0, 3) : monthsNames[tempIndex];
    } else {
        this.monthName = "";

    return this.monthName;

Note: just include the above prototype functions within your JS Script and use it as described bellow.

And whenever there is a JS date I need to generate the date with date ordinal I use that prototype method as follows on that JS date:

var myDate = new Date();
// You may have to check your JS Console in the web browser to see the following
console.log("date with date ordinal: "+myDate.getDateWithDateOrdinal()+" "+myDate.getMonthName()+" "+myDate.getFullYear());

// or I will update the Div. using jQuery
$('#date').html("date with date ordinal: "+myDate.getDateWithDateOrdinal()+" "+myDate.getMonthName()+" "+myDate.getFullYear());

And it will print out date with date ordinal as shown in the following live demo:

	Date.prototype.getMonthName = function(shorten) {
		var monthsNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
		var monthIndex = this.getMonth();
		var tempIndex = -1;
	    if (monthIndex == 0){ tempIndex = 0 };
	    if (monthIndex == 1){ tempIndex = 1 };
	    if (monthIndex == 2){ tempIndex = 2 };
	    if (monthIndex == 3){ tempIndex = 3 };
	    if (monthIndex == 4){ tempIndex = 4 };
	    if (monthIndex == 5){ tempIndex = 5 };
	    if (monthIndex == 6){ tempIndex = 6 };
	    if (monthIndex == 7){ tempIndex = 7 };
	    if (monthIndex == 8){ tempIndex = 8 };
	    if (monthIndex == 9){ tempIndex = 9 };
	    if (monthIndex == 10){ tempIndex = 10 };
	    if (monthIndex == 11){ tempIndex = 11 };

	    if (tempIndex > -1) {
			this.monthName = (shorten) ? monthsNames[tempIndex].substring(0, 3) : monthsNames[tempIndex];
	    } else {
	    	this.monthName = "";

	    return this.monthName;

    Date.prototype.getDateWithDateOrdinal = function() {
		var d = this.getDate();  // from here on I've used Kennebec's answer, but improved it.
	    if(d>3 && d<21) return d+'th';
	    switch (d % 10) {
            case 1:  return d+"st";
            case 2:  return d+"nd";
            case 3:  return d+"rd";
            default: return d+"th";

	var myDate = new Date();
    // You may have to check your JS Console in the web browser to see the following
	console.log("date with date ordinal: "+myDate.getDateWithDateOrdinal()+" "+myDate.getMonthName()+" "+myDate.getFullYear());
    // or I will update the Div. using jQuery
    $('#date').html("date with date ordinal: "+myDate.getDateWithDateOrdinal()+" "+myDate.getMonthName()+" "+myDate.getFullYear());
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p id="date"></p>


A short and compact solution:

function format(date, tmp){
  return [
    (tmp = date.getDate()) + 
      ([, 'st', 'nd', 'rd'][/1?.$/.exec(tmp)] || 'th'),
    [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
      'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
      'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
  ].join(' ')

// 14 days from today

console.log('14 days from today: ' + 
  format(new Date(+new Date + 14 * 864e5)));

// test formatting for all dates within a month from today

var day = 864e5, today = +new Date;
for(var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
  console.log('Today + ' + i + ': ' + format(new Date(today + i * day)))

(The compact regex-based approach for getting the ordinal suffix appears several places around the web, original source unknown)

	Date.prototype.getMonthName = function(shorten) {
		var monthsNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
		var monthIndex = this.getMonth();
		var tempIndex = -1;
	    if (monthIndex == 0){ tempIndex = 0 };
	    if (monthIndex == 1){ tempIndex = 1 };
	    if (monthIndex == 2){ tempIndex = 2 };
	    if (monthIndex == 3){ tempIndex = 3 };
	    if (monthIndex == 4){ tempIndex = 4 };
	    if (monthIndex == 5){ tempIndex = 5 };
	    if (monthIndex == 6){ tempIndex = 6 };
	    if (monthIndex == 7){ tempIndex = 7 };
	    if (monthIndex == 8){ tempIndex = 8 };
	    if (monthIndex == 9){ tempIndex = 9 };
	    if (monthIndex == 10){ tempIndex = 10 };
	    if (monthIndex == 11){ tempIndex = 11 };

	    if (tempIndex > -1) {
			this.monthName = (shorten) ? monthsNames[tempIndex].substring(0, 3) : monthsNames[tempIndex];
	    } else {
	    	this.monthName = "";

	    return this.monthName;

    Date.prototype.getDateWithDateOrdinal = function() {
		var d = this.getDate();  // from here on I've used Kennebec's answer, but improved it.
	    if(d>3 && d<21) return d+'th';
	    switch (d % 10) {
            case 1:  return d+"st";
            case 2:  return d+"nd";
            case 3:  return d+"rd";
            default: return d+"th";

	var myDate = new Date();
    // You may have to check your JS Console in the web browser to see the following
	console.log("date with date ordinal: "+myDate.getDateWithDateOrdinal()+" "+myDate.getMonthName()+" "+myDate.getFullYear());
    // or I will update the Div. using jQuery
    $('#date').html("date with date ordinal: "+myDate.getDateWithDateOrdinal()+" "+myDate.getMonthName()+" "+myDate.getFullYear());
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p id="date"></p>

function getSuffixForDate(day) {
  const lastNumberOfTheDay = day[day.length];

  const suffixes = {
    1: () => 'st',
    21: () => 'st',
    31: () => 'st',
    2: () => 'nd',
    22: () => 'nd',
    3: () => 'rd',
    23: () => 'rd',

  return suffixes[lastNumberOfTheDay] !== undefined ? `${day}${suffixes[lastNumberOfTheDay]()}` : `${day}th`;

const date = new Date();
const formattedDate = `${getSuffixForDate(date.getDate())} ${monthNames[date.getMonth()]} ${date.getFullYear()}`;

A human readable version...

Here's a readable, ES+ kinda version.

const getDateSuffix = (date) => {
  const thExpections = date => [11, 12, 13].some(exception => exception === date);
  const lastDigit = date % 10;

  if (thExpections(date) || lastDigit === 0 || lastDigit > 3) return `${date}th`;
  if (lastDigit === 1) return `${date}st`;
  if (lastDigit === 2) return `${date}nd`;
  return `${date}rd`;

const monthNames = [

const twoWeeksFromNow = new Date(+new Date + 12096e5);
console.log(`Two weeks from now: ${getDateSuffix(twoWeeksFromNow.getDate())} ${monthNames[twoWeeksFromNow.getMonth()]} ${twoWeeksFromNow.getFullYear()}`)

Test date suffixes:`);
const logOutDates = new Array(31).fill(0).forEach((_, index) => console.log(getDateSuffix(index + 1)))

without JavaScript libraries or lots of clunky code

One simple approach to achieve this is in vanilla javascript would be to use a series of three ternary statements to determine the ordinal, like this:

let dateOrdinal = 'th';

dateOrdinal = ([1, 21, 31].indexOf(dateNumber) > -1) ? 'st' : dateOrdinal;
dateOrdinal = ([2, 22].indexOf(dateNumber) > -1) ? 'nd' : dateOrdinal;
dateOrdinal = ([3, 23].indexOf(dateNumber) > -1) ? 'rd' : dateOrdinal;

It's not quite as human-readable, but you could also use a switch/case statement to make the same determination:

switch (true) {
  case ([1, 21, 31].indexOf(dateNumber) > -1) : let dateOrdinal = 'st'; break;
  case ([2, 22].indexOf(dateNumber) > -1) : let dateOrdinal = 'nd'; break;
  case ([3, 23].indexOf(dateNumber) > -1) : let dateOrdinal = 'rd'; break;
  default : let dateOrdinal = 'th';

Working Example:

const dateInTwoWeeks = new Date(+new Date + 12096e5);
const dateNumber = dateInTwoWeeks.getDate();
const dateMonth = dateInTwoWeeks.toLocaleString('default', {month: 'long'});
const dateYear = dateInTwoWeeks.getFullYear();

let dateOrdinal = 'th';

dateOrdinal = ([1, 21, 31].indexOf(dateNumber) > -1) ? 'st' : dateOrdinal;
dateOrdinal = ([2, 22].indexOf(dateNumber) > -1) ? 'nd' : dateOrdinal;
dateOrdinal = ([3, 23].indexOf(dateNumber) > -1) ? 'rd' : dateOrdinal;

const dateInTwoWeeksString = `${dateNumber}${dateOrdinal} ${dateMonth} ${dateYear}`; 

document.body.textContent = dateInTwoWeeksString;

I think this is pretty cool way to get the date suffix

      getDateSuffix(datePart: number): string {
        const stAr = [1, 21, 31];
        const ndAr = [2, 22];
        const rdAr = [3, 23];
        const suffixesRaw = [
          { suffix: 'st', numbers: stAr },
          { suffix: 'nd', numbers: ndAr },
          { suffix: 'rd', numbers: rdAr },
        const suffixes = suffixesRaw
          .filter(x => x.numbers.filter(y => y == datePart).length > 0)
          .map(z => z.suffix);
        return suffixes.length > 0 ? suffixes[0] : 'th';

Super simple functional implementation:

const ordinal = (d) => {
  const nth = { '1': 'st', '2': 'nd', '3': 'rd' }
  return `${d}${nth[d] || 'th'}`

const monthNames = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']

const dateString = (date) => `${ordinal(date.getDate())} ${monthNames[date.getMonth()]} ${date.getFullYear()}`

// Use like this: 
dateString(new Date()) // 18th July 2016

Strongly inspired by @user2309185's.

const ordinal = (d) => {
  return d + (['st', 'nd', 'rd'][d % 10 - 1] || 'th')

Here is an easy solution:

var date = today.getDate() + (today.getDate() % 10 == 1 && today.getDate() != 11 ? + 'st': (today.getDate() % 10 == 2 && today.getDate() != 12 ? + 'nd': 

(today.getDate() % 10 == 3 && today.getDate() != 13 ? + 'rd':'th')));


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