- 《Brief History of Machine Learning》
- 《Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview》
- 《A Gentle Introduction to Scikit-Learn: A Python Machine Learning Library》
- 《How to Layout and Manage Your Machine Learning Project》
- 《Machine Learning is Fun!》
- 《R语言参考卡片》
- 《Choosing a Machine Learning Classifier》
- 《An Introduction to Deep Learning: From Perceptrons to Deep Networks》
- 《The LION Way: Machine Learning plus Intelligent Optimization》 介绍:<机器学习与优化>这是一本机器学习的小册子, 短短300多页道尽机器学习的方方面面. 图文并茂, 生动易懂, 没有一坨坨公式的烦恼. 适合新手入门打基础, 也适合老手温故而知新. 比起MLAPP/PRML等大部头, 也许这本你更需要!具体内容推荐阅读: http://intelligent-optimization/LIONbook/
- 《计算机科学中的数学》
- 《信息时代的计算机科学理论(Foundations of Data Science)》
- 《Data Science with R》
- 《Twenty Questions for Donald Knuth》
- 《Automatic Construction and Natural-Language Description of Nonparametric Regression Models》
- 《ICLR 2014论文集》
- 《Introduction to Information Retrieval》
- 《Machine learning in 10 pictures》
- 《雅虎研究院的数据集汇总》
- 《An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R》
- Best Machine Learning Resources for Getting Started
- My deep learning reading list
- Cross-Language Information Retrieval
- 探索推荐引擎内部的秘密,第 1 部分: 推荐引擎初探
- 《Advice for students of machine learning》
- 分布式并行处理的数据
- 《“机器学习”是什么?》
- 《2014年国际机器学习大会ICML 2014 论文》
- 《Machine Learning for Industry: A Case Study》
Some Notes on Applied Mathematics for Machine Learning
- 100 Best GitHub: Deep Learning
- 《UFLDL-斯坦福大学Andrew Ng教授“Deep Learning”教程》
- Understanding Convolutions
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- 《Machine Learning Surveys》
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- 《Deep Learning: Methods and Applications》
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- 《Tutorials Session A - Deep Learning for Computer Vision》
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- 《metacademy》
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- 《Deep Learning Tutorials》
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- 《BCI Challenge @ NER 2015》
- 《IPOL Journal · Image Processing On Line》
- 《Machine learning classification over encrypted data》
- 《purine2》
- 《Machine Learning Resources》
- 《Hands-on with machine learning》
- 《The Natural Language Processing Dictionary》
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- 《Fast unfolding of communities in large networks》
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- 《A Brief Overview of Deep Learning》
- 《Wormhole》
- 《convnet-benchmarks》
- 《This catalogue lists resources developed by faculty and students of the Language Technologies Institute.》
- 《Sentiment Analysis on Twitter》
- 《Machine Learning Repository @ Wash U》
- 《Machine learning cheat sheet》
- 《Spark summit east 2015 agenda》
- 《Spark summit east 2015 agenda》
- 《Learning Spark》
- 《Advanced Analytics with Spark, Early Release Edition》
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- 《deep net highlights from 2014》
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- 《The Computer Vision Industry 》
- 《Seaborn: statistical data visualization》
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- 《Stanford Machine Learning》
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- 《Stanford Machine Learning》
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- 《苏州大学人类语言技术研究论文主页》
- 《Neural Turing Machines implementation》
- 《Computer Vision - CSE 559A, Spring 2015》
- 《Mining of Massive Datasets》
- 《Learning Deep Learning》
- 《Learning Deep Learning》
- 《Tutorial: Machine Learning for Astronomy with Scikit-learn》
- 《An Introduction to Random Forests for Beginners》
- 《Top 10 data mining algorithms in plain English》
- 《An Inside Look at the Components of a Recommendation Engine》
- 《Advances in Extreme Learning Machines》
- 《10-minute tour of pandas》
- 《Data doesn't grow in tables: harvesting journalistic insight from documents》
- 《Time-lapse Mining from Internet Photos》
- 《The Curse of Dimensionality in classification》
- 《Deep Learning vs Big Data: Who owns what?》
- 《A Primer on Predictive Models》
- 《Demistifying LSTM Neural Networks》
- 《ICLR 2015》
- 《On Visualizing Data Well》
- 《Decoding Dimensionality Reduction, PCA and SVD》
- 《Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet》
- 《DopeLearning: A Computational Approach to Rap Lyrics Generation》
- 《An Introduction to Random Indexing》
- 《VDiscover》
- 《Minerva》
- 《CVPR 2015 paper》
- 《What are the advantages of different classification algorithms?》
- 《Results for Microsoft COCO Image Captioning Challenge》
- 《Caffe con Troll: Shallow Ideas to Speed Up Deep Learning》
- 《Low precision storage for deep learning》
- 《Model-Based Machine Learning (Early Access)》
- 《Regret Analysis of Stochastic and Nonstochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problems》
- 《Kaggle R Tutorial on Machine Learing》
- 《Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理系列》
- 《Introduction to Neural Machine Translation with GPUs 》
- 《Andrew Ng: Deep Learning, Self-Taught Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning》
- 《Recurrent Neural Network Training with Dark Knowledge Transfer》
- 《Show Me The Money》
- 《pyLDAvis》
- 《Logistic Regression and Gradient Descent》
- 《贾扬清微信讲座记录》
- 《sketch》
- 《Web Scale Document Clustering: Clustering 733 Million Web Pages》
- 《NAACL 2015 Proceedings on ACL Anthology》
- 《Stock Forecasting With Machine Learning - Seven Possible Errors》
- 《Are there any good resources for learning about neural networks?》
- 《A Critical Review of Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Learning》
- 《Handling and Processing Strings in R》
- 《Must-watch videos about Python》
- 《The Google Stack》
- 《Randomized Algorithms for Matrices and Data》
- 《Intermediate R》
- 《Topology Without Tears》
- 《Information Theory, Pattern Recognition, and Neural Networks》
- 《Scikit-learn》
- 《Pylearn2》
- 《NuPIC》
- 《Nilearn》
- 《PyBrain》
- 《Pattern》
- 《Fuel》
- 《Bob》
- 《Skdata》
- 《MILK》
- 《IEPY》
- 《Quepy》
- 《Hebel》
- 《mlxtend》
- 《nolearn》
- 《Ramp》
- 《Feature Forge》
- 《REP》
- 《Python 学习机器样品》
- 《Python-ELM》
- 《Dimension Reduction》
- 《Datasets Used For Benchmarking Deep Learning Algorithms》
- 《Golang Natural Language Processing》
- 《Rehabilitation of Count-based Models for Word Vector Representations》
- 《Three Aspects of Predictive Modeling》
- 《CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing》
- 《Google Computer Vision research at CVPR 2015》
- 《Using Deep Learning to Find Basketball Highlights》
- 《Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization》