
更改windows显示语言_如何在Windows 10中更改显示语言



Windows 10 supports changing the default language. You no longer need to be concerned about the default language when you buy a computer — if you prefer to use a different language, you can change it at any time.

Windows 10支持更改默认语言。 购买计算机时,您不再需要担心默认语言-如果您喜欢使用其他语言,则可以随时进行更改。

This is particularly useful for environments where multiple users access a single computer and those users prefer different languages. You can download and install additional languages for Windows 10 to view menus, dialog boxes, and other user interface items in your preferred language.

这对于多个用户访问一台计算机并且这些用户喜欢不同语言的环境特别有用。 您可以下载并安装Windows 10的其他语言,以使用首选语言查看菜单,对话框和其他用户界面项目。

在Windows 10中安装语言 (Install a Language in Windows 10 )

First, sign in to Windows 10 using an administrative account. Press Windows+I to open the “Settings” window and then click “Time & Language”.

首先,使用管理帐户登录Windows 10。 按Windows + I打开“设置”窗口,然后单击“时间和语言”。

Select “Region & language” on the left, and then click “Add a language” on the right.


The “Add a Language” window shows languages that are available to be installed on your PC. The languages are listed in alphabetical order according to the default Windows language. Click on the language you want to start downloading.

“添加语言”窗口显示可在您的PC上安装的语言。 这些语言根据默认的Windows语言按字母顺序列出。 单击您要开始下载的语言。

Back on the “Time & Language” screen, you’ll see any languages you have installed. Click a particular language and you’ll see three options underneath: “Set as default”, “Options”, “Remove”. Click “Options” and then click “Download” to download the language pack and keyboard for that language.

返回“时间和语言”屏幕,您将看到已安装的所有语言。 单击一种特定的语言,您将在下面看到三个选项:“设置为默认值”,“选项”,“删除”。 单击“选项”,然后单击“下载”以下载该语言的语言包和键盘。

更改显示语言 (Change the Display Language )

To change the language of the user account you are currently using, return to the “Time & Language” Settings page, select a language, and then click “Set as default.” You’ll see a notification appear under the language that reads, “Will be display language after next sign-in.” Sign out of and back into Windows, and your new display language will be set. If you want to change the language of another user account, sign in to that account first. You can set a different language for each user account.

要更改当前使用的用户帐户的语言,请返回“时间和语言”设置页,选择一种语言,然后单击“设置为默认值”。 您会看到一条通知,显示的语言为“下次登录后将显示语言”。 注销并重新登录Windows,将设置新的显示语言。 如果要更改另一个用户帐户的语言,请先登录该帐户。 您可以为每个用户帐户设置不同的语言。

更改欢迎屏幕和新用户帐户的语言 (Change the Language of Welcome Screen and New User Accounts )

Applying a language pack to a user account may not necessarily change the Windows default system language used in Welcome, Sign In, Sign Out, Shutdown screens, Start menu section titles, and the built-in Administrator account.


To get all this to change as well, first make sure you’ve installed at least one additional language pack and that one user account has been set to use a different display language than the default. If the computer only has one user account, its display language must have been changed from the default.

为了使所有这些都改变,首先确保您已安装至少一个其他语言包,并且已将一个用户帐户设置为使用不同于默认语言的显示语言。 如果计算机只有一个用户帐户,则其显示语言必须已更改为默认语言。

Open Control Panel, switch it to icon view if it isn’t already, and then double-click “Region.”


On the “Administrative” tab, click the “Copy settings” button.


The window that opens lets you copy the current language to the system account, which in turn will cause everything to show up in the language you choose. You also have an option to set the current language as default for new users. Just make sure that the display language for the currently logged-in user is the one you want to use everywhere. After setting your options, click “OK,” and then restart your PC.

打开的窗口使您可以将当前语言复制到系统帐户,这又将使所有内容以您选择的语言显示。 您还可以选择将当前语言设置为新用户的默认语言。 只需确保当前登录用户的显示语言是您要在任何地方使用的语言即可。 设置选项后,单击“确定”,然后重新启动PC。

If you have any problems in following any steps, or want to share some tips then let us know in the comments below.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/232659/how-to-change-the-display-language-in-windows-10/




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